documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Method Return Values

determineChildConnector (YNode)in AspectRatioNodePlacerDetermines a connector direction for the given child node depending on whether or not the child nodes are arranged horizontally.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in AssistantNodePlacerDetermines a connector direction for the given child node.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in BusNodePlacerDetermines a connector direction for the given child node.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in CompactNodePlacer
determineChildConnector (YNode)in DefaultNodePlacerDetermines a connector direction for the given child node depending on the selected child placement.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in DelegatingNodePlacerDetermines a connector direction for the given child node.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in DoubleLineNodePlacerReturns NORTH for every given child node.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in FreeNodePlacerDetermines a connector direction for the given child node.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in GridNodePlacerReturns NORTH for every given child node.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in LayeredNodePlacerReturns NORTH for every given child node.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in LeftRightNodePlacerDetermines a connector direction for the given child node.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in NodePlacerBaseDetermines a connector direction for the given child node.
from (ParentConnectorDirection)in ParentConnectorDirectionConverts the argument to ParentConnectorDirection.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseDetermines a connector direction for the given child node.
determineChildConnector (YNode)in SimpleNodePlacerProvides NORTH as connector direction for the child nodes.

Method Parameters

placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in AspectRatioNodePlacerArranges the SubtreeShapes of children of the local root node in rows or columns that fit the specified aspect ratio.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in AssistantNodePlacerDelegates the arrangement of SubtreeShapes to an instance of LeftRightNodePlacer.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in AssistantNodePlacerArranges the local root relative to the subtree shape of its children.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in BusNodePlacerPlaces all children of the local root below and above a bus segment that is shared by the edges.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in CompactNodePlacer
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in DefaultNodePlacerArranges the root node and its children.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in DelegatingNodePlacerPlaces the SubtreeShapes of the child nodes using the two delegate node placers retrieved with primaryPlacer and secondaryPlacer.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in DelegatingNodePlacerArranges the local root relative to the subtree shape of its children.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in DendrogramNodePlacerArranges the SubtreeShapes of the local root and its children as a dendrogram.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in DoubleLineNodePlacerPlaces the children of the given local root alternating in two horizontal lines.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in FreeNodePlacerMerges the rotated shapes of the given local root and its children and routes the edges between them.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in GridNodePlacerPlaces the children of a local root node in a grid.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in GroupedNodePlacerPlaces the groups of SubtreeShapes according to their group IDs.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in ITreeLayoutNodePlacerArranges the SubtreeShapes of the local root and its children and routes the edges that connect them.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in LayeredNodePlacerPlaces the children of local root in layers.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in LeafNodePlacerCreates a SubtreeShape for the local root node (a leaf node in this case) and adds target points to the incoming edge.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in LeftRightNodePlacerPlaces the subtree shapes of the children left and right of a common vertical bus.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in NodePlacerBaseInitializes the local data structures and then delegates the work to the abstract variant of this method (placeSubtreeOfNode)
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in NodePlacerBaseArranges the local root relative to the SubtreeShape of its children.
from (ParentConnectorDirection)in ParentConnectorDirectionConverts the argument to ParentConnectorDirection.
placeSubtree (IDataProvider, IDataProvider, LayoutGraph, YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseInitializes the local data structures and then delegates the work to the abstract variant of this method (placeSubtreeOfNode).
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseArranges the local root relative to the rotated subtree shapes of its children.
translateDirectionToModel (ParentConnectorDirection)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseTranslates the given real direction of the resulting layout to the model direction of this RotatableNodePlacerBase.
translateDirectionToReal (ParentConnectorDirection)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseTranslates the given model direction to the real direction in the resulting layout.
placeSubtreeOfNode (YNode, ParentConnectorDirection)in SimpleNodePlacerPlaces the children of the local root node in a single row.