documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of LineSegment


lineSegmentin ILineSegmentCursorGets the instance of LineSegment the cursor is currently pointing on.

Method Return Values

getLineSegment (number)in YPointPathReturns a line segment in the path.
calculateLineSegments ()in EdgeInfoCalculates an array of LineSegments created by the calculated path points.

Method Parameters

getIntersection (LineSegment, LineSegment)in LineSegmentReturns intersection point between the two line segments, if there is one or null if the two line segments do not intersect.
intersectionPoint (YOrientedRectangle, LineSegment, number)in YOrientedRectangleDetermines an intersection point of the specified oriented rectangle and the specified line segment.
intersects (YOrientedRectangle, LineSegment, number)in YOrientedRectangleDetermines whether or not the specified oriented rectangle and the specified line segment intersect.
foundEdgeOverlap (LabelCandidate, Edge, LineSegment)in MISLabelingBaseIndicates that an overlap between a LabelCandidate and an Edge of the input graph has been found.
foundPartitionGridLineOverlap (LabelCandidate, LineSegment)in MISLabelingBaseIndicates that an overlap between a LabelCandidate and the PartitionGrid has been found.
SegmentInfo (Edge, number, LineSegment)in SegmentInfoCreates a new instance of SegmentInfo using a LineSegment to describe the edge segment.
SegmentInfoBase (Object, number, LineSegment)in SegmentInfoBaseCreates a new instance of SegmentInfoBase using a line segment to describe the edge segment.