documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of LayoutData


itemsin CompositeLayoutDataGets or sets a collection of composed layout data objects.
layoutDatain LayoutExecutorGets or sets the layout data that is applied when starting the executor.
layoutDatain LayoutExecutorAsyncGets or sets the layout data that is applied when starting the executor.

Method Return Values

combineWith (LayoutData)in LayoutDataCombines this instance with the given layout data.

Method Parameters

applyLayout (ILayoutAlgorithm, LayoutData?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, PortAdjustmentPolicy?, ItemMapping<ILabel,PortLabelPolicy>?, Insets?, LabelPreferredPlacementPolicy?)in IGraphRuns an ILayoutAlgorithm synchronously on the given graph.
CompositeLayoutData (LayoutData)in CompositeLayoutDataCreates a new instance which combines the given items.
add (LayoutData)in GenericLayoutDataAdds the data from one ore more other LayoutData instances to this instance.
combineWith (LayoutData)in LayoutDataCombines this instance with the given layout data.
LayoutExecutor (GraphComponent, ILayoutAlgorithm, )in LayoutExecutorInitializes a new instance of the LayoutExecutor class.
LayoutExecutor (GraphComponent, IGraph, ILayoutAlgorithm, )in LayoutExecutorInitializes a new instance of the LayoutExecutor class.
LayoutExecutorAsync (function(Object):Promise<Object>, GraphComponent, LayoutDescriptor?, LayoutData?, )in LayoutExecutorAsyncCreates a new instance of a layout execution helper that will asynchronously perform the calculations and optionally animate the layout on the given graphComponent.
LayoutExecutorAsync (function(Object):Promise<Object>, IGraph, LayoutDescriptor?, LayoutData?, )in LayoutExecutorAsyncCreates a new instance of a layout execution helper that will asynchronously perform the calculations and apply the results on the provided graph.
applyLayout (ILayoutAlgorithm, LayoutData?)in LayoutGraphAdapterApplies a layout algorithm to an IGraph, optionally applying some LayoutData.
morphLayout (ILayoutAlgorithm, TimeSpan?, LayoutData?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, PortAdjustmentPolicy?, ItemMapping<ILabel,PortLabelPolicy>?, Insets?, LabelPreferredPlacementPolicy?)in GraphComponentRuns a layout on the graph of the GraphComponent and animates the transition.

Extending Types

CircularLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the CircularLayout.
CompactDiskLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the CompactDiskLayout.
FamilyTreeLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the FamilyTreeLayout.
HierarchicLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the HierarchicLayout.
LayerConstraintDataSpecifies layer constraints for nodes for a HierarchicLayout.
SelfLoopCalculatorDataSpecifies custom data for the SelfLoopCalculator.
SequenceConstraintDataSpecifies sequence constraints for nodes and edges for a HierarchicLayout.
LabelingDataSpecifies custom data for the GenericLabeling.
AlignmentStageDataSpecifies custom data for the AlignmentStage.
CactusGroupLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the CactusGroupLayout.
ComponentLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the ComponentLayout.
CompositeLayoutDataCombines several LayoutData instances.
FixGroupLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the FixGroupLayoutStage.
FixNodeLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the FixNodeLayoutStage.
FixPortLocationStageDataSpecifies custom layout data for the FixPortLocationStage.
GenericLayoutDataThis class provides a way to easily pass custom item-specific data from an IGraph to a LayoutGraph.
GenericPartitionGridStageDataSpecifies the layout data for the GenericPartitionGridStage.
GivenCoordinatesStageDataSpecifies custom layout data for the GivenCoordinatesStage.
PartitionGridDataSpecifies a PartitionGrid for a layout.
PartitionLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the PartitionLayout.
PlaceNodesAtBarycenterStageDataSpecifies custom data for the PlaceNodesAtBarycenterStage.
PortPlacementStageDataSpecifies custom data for the PortPlacementStage.
RecursiveGroupLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the RecursiveGroupLayout.
ReverseEdgesStageDataSpecifies custom data for the ReverseEdgesStage.
SelfLoopRouterDataSpecifies custom data for the SelfLoopRouter layout stage.
SubgraphLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the SubgraphLayout.
TabularLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the TabularLayout.
TemporaryGroupNodeInsertionDataSpecifies custom data for the TemporaryGroupNodeInsertionStage.
MultiPageLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the MultiPageLayout.
OrganicConstraintDataThis class allows to define additional constraints on nodes of a graph that will be applied by the OrganicLayout during the layout calculation.
OrganicLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the OrganicLayout.
OrthogonalLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the OrthogonalLayout.
ClearAreaLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the ClearAreaLayout.
FillAreaLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the FillAreaLayout.
PartialLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the PartialLayout.
RadialLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the RadialLayout.
BusRouterDataSpecifies custom data for the BusRouter.
ChannelEdgeRouterDataSpecifies custom data for the ChannelEdgeRouter.
CurveRoutingStageDataSpecifies the layout data for the CurveRoutingStage.
EdgeBundlingStageDataSpecifies the layout data for the EdgeBundlingStage.
EdgeRouterDataSpecifies custom data for the EdgeRouter.
OrganicEdgeRouterDataSpecifies custom data for the OrganicEdgeRouter.
OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterDataSpecifies custom data for the OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouter.
ParallelEdgeRouterDataSpecifies custom data for the ParallelEdgeRouter.
StraightLineEdgeRouterDataSpecifies custom data for the StraightLineEdgeRouter.
SeriesParallelLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the SeriesParallelLayout.
AspectRatioTreeLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the AspectRatioTreeLayout.
BalloonLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the BalloonLayout.
TreeLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the TreeLayout.
TreeMapLayoutDataSpecifies custom data for the TreeMapLayout.
TreeReductionStageDataSpecifies custom data for the TreeReductionStage.