documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of LabelCandidate

Method Parameters

getProfit (LabelCandidate)in LabelingBaseReturns the profit for placing a LabelCandidate with respect to the current profit model.
foundEdgeOverlap (LabelCandidate, Edge, LineSegment)in MISLabelingBaseIndicates that an overlap between a LabelCandidate and an Edge of the input graph has been found.
foundHaloOverlap (LabelCandidate, YNode, YRectangle)in MISLabelingBaseIndicates that an overlap between a LabelCandidate and a NodeHalo of the input graph has been found.
foundLabelOverlap (LabelCandidate, LabelCandidate, Edge)in MISLabelingBaseIndicates that an overlap between two LabelCandidates has been found.
foundNodeOverlap (LabelCandidate, YNode, YRectangle)in MISLabelingBaseIndicates that an overlap between a LabelCandidate and a YNode of the input graph has been found.
foundPartitionGridInsetOverlap (LabelCandidate, YRectangle)in MISLabelingBaseIndicates that an overlap between a LabelCandidate and the insets of a cell of the PartitionGrid has been found.
foundPartitionGridInteriorOverlap (LabelCandidate, YRectangle)in MISLabelingBaseIndicates that the LabelCandidate is inside of the PartitionGrid.
foundPartitionGridLineOverlap (LabelCandidate, LineSegment)in MISLabelingBaseIndicates that an overlap between a LabelCandidate and the PartitionGrid has been found.
getProfit (LabelCandidate)in ExtendedLabelCandidateProfitModelReturns the profit for placing a label-candidate.
create (function(LabelCandidate):number)in IProfitModelCreates an implementation of the interface IProfitModel by using the given function as implementation for its getProfit method.
getProfit (LabelCandidate)in IProfitModelReturns the profit for placing a label using the given LabelCandidate.
getProfit (LabelCandidate)in SimpleProfitModel

Extending Types

EdgeLabelCandidateAn EdgeLabelCandidate describes one valid placement for an edge label considering the label model.
NodeLabelCandidateA NodeLabelCandidate describes one valid placement for a node label considering the label model.