documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IProcessor

Method Return Values

createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in AssistantNodePlacerCreates a IProcessor that prepares the graph for placing assistant node.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in CompactNodePlacerCreates a IProcessor.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in DelegatingNodePlacerCreates a IProcessor that partitions child nodes of the current root node into two subsets.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in DendrogramNodePlacerCreates an optional IProcessor for pre- and post-processing.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in FreeNodePlacerCreates a IProcessor that will change all descending ITreeLayoutNodePlacers to FreeNodePlacer.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in GroupedNodePlacerCreates a IProcessor that prepares the graph for edge grouping.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in ITreeLayoutNodePlacerCreates an optional IProcessor for pre- and post-processing.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in LayeredNodePlacerCreates a IProcessor that distributes the nodes over the layers.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in LeafNodePlacerCreates an optional IProcessor for pre- and post-processing.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in LeftRightNodePlacerCreates a processor that distributes the child elements into multiple branches, if necessary.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in NodePlacerBaseCreates an optional IProcessor for pre- and post-processing.
createProcessor (TreeLayout, LayoutGraph, YNode)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseCreates an optional IProcessor for pre- and post-processing.