documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of INodeMap


registeredNodeMapsin GraphGets all node maps that have been created by this graph but have not yet been disposed.


stateMapin DfsAlgorithmA INodeMap that holds for each YNode an Object indicating the current state of the given node as it is visited by this algorithm.
nodesToBoxesin MISLabelingBaseThe mapping from each node in the conflictGraph to the corresponding LabelCandidate instance.
nodesToIDin MISLabelingBaseThe mapping from nodes in the conflictGraph to a corresponding integer value (ID).
nodeLabelMapin DefaultLayoutGraphA INodeMap associating INodeLabelLayouts with the nodes of this graph.

Method Return Values

createNodeMap ()in GraphReturns a newly created node map that is valid for the nodes in this graph.
createHashedNodeMap ()in MapsCreates a INodeMap that is based on hashing.
createHighPerformanceDoubleMap (IDataMap, number)in MapsCreates a resettable high performance map for values of type double.
createHighPerformanceDoubleMap (IDataProvider, IDataAcceptor, number)in MapsCreates a resettable high performance map for values of type double.
createHighPerformanceIntMap (IDataMap, number)in MapsCreates a resettable high performance map for values of type int.
createHighPerformanceIntMap (IDataProvider, IDataAcceptor, number)in MapsCreates a resettable high performance map for values of type int.
createHighPerformanceMap (IDataMap, Object)in MapsCreates a resettable high performance map for values of type Object.
createHighPerformanceMap (IDataProvider, IDataAcceptor, Object)in MapsCreates a resettable high performance map for values of type Object.
createIndexNodeMap (Object)in MapsReturns a INodeMap view of an Object array defined for nodes.
createIndexNodeMapForBoolean (boolean)in MapsReturns a INodeMap view of a boolean array defined for nodes.
createIndexNodeMapForInt (number)in MapsReturns a INodeMap view of an int array defined for nodes.
createIndexNodeMapForNumber (number)in MapsReturns a INodeMap view of a double array defined for nodes.
createIndexNodeMapFromArrays (number, number, boolean, Object)in MapsReturns a INodeMap view of a double, int, boolean and Object array defined for nodes.
createNodeMap (IMap<Object,Object>)in MapsCreate a INodeMap view of the given map.
assignProfit ()in MISLabelingBaseReturns a INodeMap which assigns a profit value to each node in the conflict graph.
createInfoMap (Graph)in LayoutGroupingSupportCreates a INodeMap to store hierarchy information for each node.
createNodeMap (IMapper<INode,V>)in YGraphAdapterCreates an INodeMap that delegates to the provided IMapper<K,V> when queried for YNodes in the yGraph.
createNodeMap (function(INode):V)in YGraphAdapterCreates an INodeMap that delegates to the provided delegate when queried for YNodes in the yGraph.

Method Parameters

getLayers (Graph, IDataProvider, INodeMap)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes constructed by a breadth first search.
getLayers (Graph, YNodeList, INodeMap)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes constructed by a breadth first search.
getLayers (Graph, YNodeList, boolean, INodeMap, number?)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes constructed by a directed/undirected breadth first search where the maximum number of layers is restricted.
getLayers (Graph, YNodeList, BfsDirection, INodeMap, number?)in BfsAlgorithmReturns the layers of nodes constructed by a directed/undirected breadth first search where the maximum number of layers is restricted.
getBipartition (Graph, INodeMap)in BipartitionAlgorithmCalculates a bipartition of the given graph, if one exists.
closenessCentrality (Graph, INodeMap, boolean, IDataProvider)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes the closeness centrality for the nodes of a graph.
degreeCentrality (Graph, INodeMap, boolean, boolean)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes the degree centrality for the nodes of a given graph.
eigenvectorCentrality (Graph, INodeMap, number?)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes an eigenvector centrality for each node of a given undirected graph.
graphCentrality (Graph, INodeMap, boolean, IDataProvider)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes the graph centrality for the nodes of a graph.
nodeBetweenness (Graph, INodeMap, boolean, IDataProvider)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes betweenness centrality for each node of a given graph.
nodeEdgeBetweenness (Graph, INodeMap, IEdgeMap, boolean, IDataProvider)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes betweenness centrality for each node and edge of a given graph.
normalizeNodeMap (Graph, INodeMap)in CentralityAlgorithmNormalizes the double values of a given INodeMap by dividing each of them by the maximum of all values (maximum norm).
pageRank (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?, number?, number?)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes page rank values for all nodes based on their attached edges.
weightCentrality (Graph, INodeMap, boolean, boolean, IDataProvider)in CentralityAlgorithmComputes the weight centrality for the nodes of a graph.
disposeNodeMap (INodeMap)in GraphInforms the graph that the given node map is no longer needed.
biconnectedComponents (Graph, IEdgeMap, INodeMap?)in GraphConnectivityCalculates the biconnected components and the articulation points of a given undirected graph and returns the number of biconnected components.
connectedComponents (Graph, INodeMap)in GraphConnectivityCalculates the connected components of a given graph and returns their number.
kCore (Graph, INodeMap)in GraphConnectivityCalculates the k-cores of an undirected input graph.
stronglyConnectedComponents (Graph, INodeMap)in GraphConnectivityCalculates the strongly connected components of a given graph and returns their number.
toNodeListArray (Graph, INodeMap, number)in GraphConnectivityTransforms the return values of method connectedComponents to an array of YNodeLists, like it is returned by connectedComponents.
biconnectedComponentGrouping (Graph, INodeMap)in GroupAlgorithmThis method partitions the graph by analyzing its biconnected components.
edgeBetweennessClustering (Graph, INodeMap, boolean, number, number, IDataProvider)in GroupAlgorithmPartitions the graph into groups using edge betweenness centrality.
edgeBetweennessClustering (Graph, INodeMap, number, number, number, boolean)in GroupAlgorithmPartitions the graph into groups using edge betweenness clustering proposed by Girvan and Newman.
getClusteringCoefficient (Graph, INodeMap, boolean)in GroupAlgorithmCalculates the local clustering coefficient for each node and returns the average clustering coefficient.
hierarchicalClustering (Graph, INodeMap, INodeDistanceProvider, Linkage, number)in GroupAlgorithmPartitions the graph into clusters based on hierarchical clustering, while the dendrogram is cut based on a given cut-off value.
hierarchicalClustering (Graph, number, INodeMap, INodeDistanceProvider, Linkage)in GroupAlgorithmPartitions the graph into clusters based on hierarchical clustering, while the dendrogram is cut based on a given maximum number of clusters.
kMeansClustering (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider, DistanceMetric, number, number?, YPoint?)in GroupAlgorithmPartitions the graph into clusters using k-means clustering algorithm.
labelPropagation (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?)in GroupAlgorithmDetects the communities in the specified input graph by applying a label propagation algorithm.
louvainModularity (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider?)in GroupAlgorithmDetects the communities in the specified input graph by applying the louvain modularity method.
calcMaxFlowMinCut (Graph, YNode, YNode, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap, INodeMap)in NetworkFlowAlgorithmSolves a maximum flow problem using the preflow-push method but additionally marks all nodes that belong to the minimum cut set that is associated with the source of the network.
minCostFlow (Graph, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap, INodeMap)in NetworkFlowAlgorithmSolves a minimum cost flow problem with a capacity scaling algorithm.
minCostFlow (Graph, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap, INodeMap)in NetworkFlowAlgorithmUses method minCostFlow to solve a minimum cost flow problem.
minCostFlow (Graph, YNode, YNode, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap, INodeMap)in NetworkFlowAlgorithmSolves a minimum cost maximum flow problem.
aggregate (Graph, INodeMap)in NodeAggregationAlgorithmStarts the node aggregation for the specified graph.
toNodeMap (Graph, number, INodeMap)in NodeOrderAlgorithmCopies an array-based result returned by a method of this class to a INodeMap that will provide values of basic type int.
toNodeMap (YNodeList, INodeMap)in NodeOrderAlgorithmCopies a YNodeList-based result returned by a method of this class to a INodeMap that will provide values of basic type int.
findLongestPaths (Graph, YNode, IEdgeMap, INodeMap, IEdgeMap)in PathAlgorithmCalculates the longest path from a given node to all other node in a given directed acyclic graph.
simple (Graph, INodeMap, IEdgeMap, number?)in RankAssignmentAlgorithmThis method quickly calculates a tight tree given a maximum time duration for the algorithm.
simplex (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, number?)in RankAssignmentAlgorithmSolves the rank assignment problem using the simplex method given a maximum time duration for the algorithm.
simplex (Graph, INodeMap, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, IEdgeMap, YNode, boolean, number?)in RankAssignmentAlgorithmSimilar to simplex but, additionally, it is possible to provide a valid initial tree solution for the problem.
acyclic (Graph, YNode, IDataProvider, INodeMap, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for acyclic directed graphs.
aStar (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, IDataProvider, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source single-sink shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs using an implementation of the well-known a-star algorithm (A*).
bellmanFord (Graph, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, INodeMap, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
dijkstra (Graph, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, INodeMap, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmSolves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
singleSource (Graph, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, INodeMap, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmThis method solves the single-source shortest path problem for arbitrary graphs.
singleSourceSingleSink (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean, IDataProvider, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmLike singleSourceSingleSink but uses INodeMaps and IDataProviders instead of arrays.
uniform (Graph, YNode, boolean, INodeMap, INodeMap)in ShortestPathAlgorithmLike uniform but uses INodeMaps instead of arrays.
getSubTreeDepths (Graph, INodeMap)in TreeAlgorithmReturns the depths of each subtree of a rooted directed tree.
getSubTreeSizes (Graph, INodeMap)in TreeAlgorithmReturns the size (number of nodes) of each subtree of a rooted directed tree.
getWeightedCenterNode (Graph, INodeMap?)in TreeAlgorithmFinds a node used by the greatest number of all (undirected) paths interconnecting all nodes with each other.
triangulatePoints (YList, Graph, INodeMap, IEdgeMap)in TriangulationAlgorithmComputes a triangulation of the given points.
assignNodesToSublayer (YNodeList, ILayoutDataProvider, LayoutGraph, INodeMap)in SimplexNodePlacerAssigns the nodes of a given layer to the corresponding upper/lower sublayer if node compaction is enabled.
assignLayersFast (Graph, INodeMap)in WeightedLayererAssigns all nodes of the graph to layers.
assignLayersToMap (Graph, INodeMap)in WeightedLayererAssigns all nodes of the graph to layers.
assignNodeLayerWithDataProvider (LayoutGraph, INodeMap, EdgeList, IDataProvider)in WeightedLayererAssigns all nodes of the graph to layers.
findGraphComponents (LayoutGraph, INodeMap)in ComponentLayoutDetermines which nodes belong to the same graph component.
disposeInfoMap (Graph, INodeMap)in LayoutGroupingSupportDisposes of the INodeMap created to store hierarchy information for each node.
findPartitions (LayoutGraph, INodeMap)in IPartitionFinderReturns a partition ID for each node of an input graph.
findIsolatedGraphComponents (LayoutGraph, INodeMap)in IsolatedGroupComponentLayoutDetermines the nodes that belong to the same graph component.
createNodeMapper (INodeMap)in YGraphAdapterCreates an IMapper<K,V> that delegates to the provided INodeMap when queried for items in the IGraph.