documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of INodeData

Method Return Values

createBendNodeData (YNode, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor?)in IItemFactoryCreates a INodeData object for a bend YNode and associates it with the YNode.
createBusDummyNodeData (YNode, YNode, SwimlaneDescriptor)in IItemFactoryCreates a INodeData instance for a bus dummy node.
createEdgeGroupNodeData (YNode, Object, boolean)in IItemFactoryCreates a INodeData object for an edge group YNode and associates it with the YNode.
createNormalNodeData (YNode)in IItemFactoryCreates a INodeData object for a normal YNode and associates it with the YNode.
createProxyNodeData (YNode, YNode, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a INodeData object for a proxy YNode and associates it with the proxy node.
createRecursiveEdgeNodeData (YNode, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor)in IItemFactoryCreates a INodeData for a dummy YNode of a recursive Edge.
getNodeData (YNode)in ILayoutDataProviderReturns the INodeData instance associated with the given YNode.