documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IModelItem


item1in IntersectionGets the first item that is involved in the intersection.
item2in IntersectionGets the second item that is involved in the intersection.
affectedItemsin IntersectionsGets or sets the graph items that must be involved in each intersection.
incrementalSequencingItemsin IncrementalHintItemMappingGets or sets an item collection of nodes or edges that are mapped to incremental sequencing hints.
itemComparablesin SequenceConstraintDataGets or set the mapping from nodes or edges to an IComparable (for example a number or string) defining their sequence sort order.
deletablePredicatein GraphEditorInputModeGets or sets a predicate that is queried to determine whether an IModelItem can be deleted or not.
hitTesterin GraphEditorInputModeGets or sets the hitTester property.
selectablePredicatein GraphInputModeGets or sets a predicate that is queried to determine whether a given IModelItem is selectable.
affectedItemsin HandleInputModeGets an immutable snapshot of the IModelItems affected by the currently modified handle gesture.
itemin HoveredItemChangedEventArgsGets the item that is currently hovered or null if no item is hovered.
oldItemin HoveredItemChangedEventArgsGets or sets the item that was previously hovered, possibly null.
dropTargetin ItemDropInputModeGets the drop target at snappedMousePosition
itemCreatorin ItemDropInputModeGets or sets the callback for item creation.
currentHoverItemin ItemHoverInputModeGets the current item the mouse is hovering over.
affectedItemsin MoveInputModeGets an immutable snapshot of the IModelItems affected by the currently active gesture.
movedItemin MovementInfoGets the item that is being moved.
itemin TableHitTestResultThe item that is actually hit.
selectionModelin LayoutExecutorGets or sets the ISelectionModel<T> to use for the automatically registered IDataProvider instances for AFFECTED_NODES_DP_KEY and AFFECTED_EDGES_DP_KEY.
selectionModelin LayoutExecutorAsyncGets or sets the ISelectionModel<T> to use for the automatically registered IDataProvider instances for AFFECTED_NODES_DP_KEY and AFFECTED_EDGES_DP_KEY.
selectionModelin LayoutGraphAdapterGets or sets the ISelectionModel<T> to use for the automatically registered IDataProvider instances for the keys AFFECTED_NODES_DP_KEY and AFFECTED_EDGES_DP_KEY.
itemin ITemplateStyleBindingContextGets or sets the item that is rendered by this instance.
currentItemin GraphComponentGets or sets the currently focused item.
focusIndicatorManagerin GraphComponentGets or sets the focusIndicatorManager property.
highlightIndicatorManagerin GraphComponentGets or sets the highlightIndicatorManager property.
selectionIndicatorManagerin GraphComponentGets or sets the selectionIndicatorManager property.
comparerin GraphModelManagerGets an IComparer<T> instance that can be used to compare two model items with respect to their visual display order.
hitTesterin GraphModelManagerGets a IHitTester<T> that can be used to enumerate hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position.

Method Return Values

createClipBoardHelperCopyFilter ()in GraphClipboardCreates a predicate that is based upon the outcome of the shouldCopy method that can be found in the lookup of the provided IModelItem.
createClipBoardHelperCutFilter ()in GraphClipboardCreates a predicate that is based upon the outcome of the shouldCut method that can be found in the lookup of the provided IModelItem.
createClipBoardHelperPasteFilter ()in GraphClipboardCreates a predicate that is based upon the outcome of the shouldPaste method that can be found in the lookup of the provided IModelItem.
createDefaultCopyFilter (IGraphSelection, IGraph)in GraphClipboardCreates a predicate for use in the onCopy method.
createDefaultCutFilter (IGraphSelection, IGraph)in GraphClipboardCreates a predicate for use in the cut method.
createDefaultDuplicateFilter (IGraphSelection, IGraph)in GraphClipboardCreates a predicate for use in the duplicate method.
createSelectionFilter (IGraphSelection, IGraph)in GraphClipboardCreates a predicate for use in the cut and onCopy methods.
createWrappedFilter (function(IModelItem):boolean, IGraph, boolean)in GraphClipboardCreates an induced predicate from coreFilter for use in the cut and onCopy methods that takes dependent items into account.
getItem (IGraphClipboardContext, Object)in IClipboardIdProviderGets the item which is represented by the given id.
createSelectionEventArgs (IInputModeContext)in GraphInputModeHelper method that yields a suitably configured SelectionEventArgs<T> using the graphSelection for this input mode.
findItems (Point, GraphItemTypes, function(IModelItem):boolean?)in GraphInputModeUsed as a callback to find the items hit underneath a certain point.
findItems (IInputModeContext, Point, GraphItemTypes, function(IModelItem):boolean?)in GraphInputModeUsed as a callback to find the items hit underneath a certain point.
getDropTarget (Point)in ItemDropInputModeReturns the drop target at the specified location.
getHitItemsAt (Point)in ItemHoverInputModeGets the items that have been hit at the given location.
getDropTarget (Point)in LabelDropInputModeLooks for a valid label owner at the dragLocation.
findNearestItem (IInputModeContext, Point, MoveFocusDirection, IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in NavigationInputModeDetermines the nearest item in the given direction.
findNextItem (IInputModeContext, MoveFocusDirection)in NavigationInputModeDetermines the next item when a navigation command is executed.
getDropTarget (Point)in NodeDropInputMode
getDropTarget (Point)in PortDropInputModeLooks for a valid port owner at the dragLocation.
addNodeEdgeItemCollection (string, ItemCollection<IModelItem>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds a set of IModelItems in the graph that will be passed to the LayoutGraph
addNodeEdgeItemCollection (GraphObjectDpKey<boolean>, ItemCollection<IModelItem>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds a set of graph items in the graph that will be passed to the LayoutGraph
addNodeEdgeItemMapping (GraphObjectDpKey<TValue>, ItemMapping<IModelItem,TValue>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds data per element in the graph that will be added to the LayoutGraph
addNodeEdgeItemMapping (string, ItemMapping<IModelItem,TValue>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds data per node or edge in the graph that will be added to the LayoutGraph
createMapper (IDataProvider)in YGraphAdapterCreates an IMapper<K,V> that delegates to the provided IDataProvider when queried for items in the IGraph.
createFocusIndicatorManager ()in GraphComponentFactory method for the focusIndicatorManager property.
createHighlightIndicatorManager ()in GraphComponentFactory method for the highlightIndicatorManager property.
createSelectionIndicatorManager ()in GraphComponentFactory method for the selectionIndicatorManager property.
getModelItem (ICanvasObject)in GraphModelManagerRetrieves the corresponding IModelItem for the given canvas object.
hitElementsAt (Point)in GraphModelManagerEnumerates hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position.
hitElementsAt (IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup)in GraphModelManagerEnumerates hits on the canvas at a given world coordinate position for a given context.
getEnumerator ()in GraphSelectionReturns an enumerator that iterates through the collection of all selected elements.
hitElementsAt (IInputModeContext, Point, ICanvasObjectGroup)in WebGL2GraphModelManager

Method Parameters

Intersections ()in IntersectionsCreates a new Intersections instance with default settings.
contains (IModelItem)in DefaultGraphDetermines whether this graph contains the specified item.
remove (IModelItem)in DefaultGraph
contains (IModelItem)in FilteredGraphWrapper
copy (IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean)in GraphClipboardCopies the elements indicated by the filter to the clipboard graph.
createWrappedFilter (function(IModelItem):boolean, IGraph, boolean)in GraphClipboardCreates an induced predicate from coreFilter for use in the cut and onCopy methods that takes dependent items into account.
cut (IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean)in GraphClipboardCuts the items indicated by filter to the clipboard and removes them from the graph.
duplicate (IInputModeContext, IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean, function(IModelItem, IModelItem):void?)in GraphClipboardDuplicates the elements indicated by the filter.
getClipboardHelper (IModelItem)in GraphClipboardRetrieves the IClipboardHelper instance associated with the given item.
getId (IModelItem)in GraphClipboardReturns the ID which is linked with the given clipboard item.
getMemento (IModelItem)in GraphClipboardRetrieves the memento associated with an item in the clipboard graph that has been stored with the item during onElementCopied and onElementCut.
isDummy (IModelItem)in GraphClipboardWhether the given item is a "dummy" item which should not be pasted.
isFoldingStateElement (IModelItem, IModelItem)in GraphClipboardWhether the given item exists in a folding state of its owner.
onCopy (IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean, IGraph, INode, function(IModelItem, IModelItem):void)in GraphClipboardCalls copy on the current toClipboardCopier instance or fromClipboardCopier instance, depending on whether the targetGraph is the clipboardGraph instance.
onElementCopied (IModelItem, IModelItem)in GraphClipboardA callback that will be invoked for each item that has been copied into the clipboard graph in response to a onCopy operation.
onElementCut (IModelItem, IModelItem)in GraphClipboardA callback function that will be invoked for each item that has been copied into the clipboard graph in response to a cut operation.
onElementPasted (IModelItem, IModelItem)in GraphClipboardA callback function that will be invoked for each item that has been pasted into the target graph in response to a pasteAndSelect operation.
onPaste (IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean, IGraph, INode, function(IModelItem, IModelItem):void, function(IModelItem):boolean)in GraphClipboardCalls copy on the current fromClipboardCopier instance, depending on whether the targetGraph is the clipboardGraph instance.
paste (IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean?, function(IModelItem, IModelItem):void?, function(IModelItem):boolean?, IInputModeContext?)in GraphClipboardPastes the contents from the clipboardGraph to the targetGraph after applying a filter.
removeElements (IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean)in GraphClipboardRemoves elements from the graph based on a predicate.
copy (IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean, IGraph, Point?, function(IModelItem, IModelItem):void?)in GraphCopierCopies a subgraph described by a predicate from the sourceGraph to the targetGraph.
copy (IGraph, function(IModelItem):boolean, IGraph, INode, Point?, function(IModelItem, IModelItem):void?)in GraphCopierCopies a subgraph induced by a predicate from the sourceGraph to the targetGraph.
copyTag (IModelItem, Object)in GraphCopierCallback that will copy a tag for the target graph.
enumerableContainsTypes (GraphItemTypes, IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in GraphItemTypesDetermines whether the specified items collection contains any of the types described by types.
enumerableNotContainsTypes (GraphItemTypes, IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in GraphItemTypesDetermines whether the specified items collection contains none of the types described by types.
getItemType (IModelItem)in GraphItemTypesGets the type of the item.
getItemTypes (IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in GraphItemTypesDetermines the types of the items contained in the collection of items.
itemIsOfTypes (GraphItemTypes, IModelItem)in GraphItemTypesDetermines whether the item is of the specified types.
contains (IModelItem)in GraphWrapperBase
remove (IModelItem)in GraphWrapperBase
copy (IGraphClipboardContext, IModelItem)in IClipboardHelperThis method is called during the copy operation of the given item to retrieve additional state that can be later used during a paste operation.
create ()in IClipboardHelperCreates an implementation of the interface IClipboardHelper from the given definition.
cut (IGraphClipboardContext, IModelItem)in IClipboardHelperThis method is called during the cut operation of the given item to retrieve additional state that can be later used during a paste operation.
paste (IGraphClipboardContext, IModelItem, Object)in IClipboardHelperThis method is called after the item has been pasted from the clipboard.
shouldCopy (IGraphClipboardContext, IModelItem)in IClipboardHelperDetermines whether the given item can or should be copied to the clipboard.
shouldCut (IGraphClipboardContext, IModelItem)in IClipboardHelperDetermines whether the given item can or should be cut to the clipboard.
shouldPaste (IGraphClipboardContext, IModelItem, Object)in IClipboardHelperDetermines whether the given item can or should be pasted from the clipboard to the target graph.
create ()in IClipboardIdProviderCreates an implementation of the interface IClipboardIdProvider from the given definition.
getId (IGraphClipboardContext, IModelItem)in IClipboardIdProviderGets the ID for the given originalItem.
isInFoldingState (IModelItem)in IFoldingViewDetermines whether the specified item is a folding state in this view.
contains (IModelItem)in IGraphDetermines whether this graph contains the specified item.
remove (IModelItem)in IGraphRemoves the given item from this graph.
IncrementalHintItemMapping ()in IncrementalHintItemMappingCreates a new instance of IncrementalHintItemMapping.
SequenceConstraintData ()in SequenceConstraintDataCreates a new instance of SequenceConstraintData which helps configuring sequence constraints for HierarchicLayout.
placeAfter (IModelItem, IModelItem)in SequenceConstraintDataAdds a constraint that forces the afterItem of type INode or IEdge to lie after the item of type INode or IEdge.
placeAtHead (IModelItem)in SequenceConstraintDataAdds a constraint that places a INode or IEdge at the start of the sequence.
placeAtTail (IModelItem)in SequenceConstraintDataAdds a constraint that places a INode or IEdge at the end of the sequence.
placeBefore (IModelItem, IModelItem)in SequenceConstraintDataAdds a constraint that forces the beforeItem of type INode or IEdge to lie before the item of type INode or IEdge.
addSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, IModelItem)in EdgeSnapLineProviderAdds the snap lines for the given model item to the evt.
GraphEditorInputMode ()in GraphEditorInputModeCreates a new instance that is not bound to an existing graph or selection, initially.
doubleClick (IModelItem, ClickEventArgs)in GraphEditorInputModeActually performs a double-click on the given item.
doubleTap (IModelItem, TapEventArgs)in GraphEditorInputModeActually performs a double-tap on the given item.
editLabelOnDoubleClick (IModelItem)in GraphEditorInputModeStarts label editing by executing EDIT_LABEL.
onDeletedItem (ItemEventArgs<IModelItem>)in GraphEditorInputModeRaises the DeletedItem event.
onDeletedSelection (SelectionEventArgs<IModelItem>)in GraphEditorInputModeRaises the DeletedSelection event.
onDeletingSelection (SelectionEventArgs<IModelItem>)in GraphEditorInputModeRaises the DeletingSelection event.
onGroupedSelection (SelectionEventArgs<IModelItem>)in GraphEditorInputModeRaises the GroupedSelection event.
onGroupingSelection (SelectionEventArgs<IModelItem>)in GraphEditorInputModeRaises the GroupingSelection event.
onUngroupedSelection (SelectionEventArgs<IModelItem>)in GraphEditorInputModeRaises the UngroupedSelection event.
onUngroupingSelection (SelectionEventArgs<IModelItem>)in GraphEditorInputModeRaises the UngroupingSelection event.
shouldAddLabel (IModelItem)in GraphEditorInputModePredicate that determines whether a label may be added interactively to item
shouldDelete (IModelItem)in GraphEditorInputModeCalled to determine whether the given item should be deleted during deleteSelection.
shouldEditLabel (IModelItem)in GraphEditorInputModeCalled to determine whether the label or the labels of the provided item should be edited in response to onEditLabel or onAddLabel.
shouldMove (IModelItem)in GraphEditorInputModeDetermines whether or not moving the item is allowed.
shouldSelectAfterPaste (IModelItem)in GraphEditorInputModeCan be overridden to determine which items should be selected after paste or duplicateSelection.
shouldShowHandles (IModelItem)in GraphEditorInputModeDetermines whether to show the handles for the given item.
click (IModelItem, ClickEventArgs)in GraphInputModeActually performs the click on the given item.
doubleClick (IModelItem, ClickEventArgs)in GraphInputModeActually performs a double-click on the given item.
doubleTap (IModelItem, TapEventArgs)in GraphInputModeActually performs a double-tap on the given item.
findItems (Point, GraphItemTypes, function(IModelItem):boolean?)in GraphInputModeUsed as a callback to find the items hit underneath a certain point.
findItems (IInputModeContext, Point, GraphItemTypes, function(IModelItem):boolean?)in GraphInputModeUsed as a callback to find the items hit underneath a certain point.
handleClickListener (IInputModeContext, IModelItem, Point)in GraphInputModeCalled by click to query the item for an IClickListener in its lookup and handle it appropriately.
onItemClicked (ItemClickedEventArgs<IModelItem>)in GraphInputModeRaises the ItemClicked event.
onItemDoubleClicked (ItemClickedEventArgs<IModelItem>)in GraphInputModeRaises the ItemDoubleClicked event.
onItemDoubleTapped (ItemTappedEventArgs<IModelItem>)in GraphInputModeRaises the ItemDoubleTapped event.
onItemLeftClicked (ItemClickedEventArgs<IModelItem>)in GraphInputModeRaises the ItemLeftClicked event.
onItemLeftDoubleClicked (ItemClickedEventArgs<IModelItem>)in GraphInputModeRaises the ItemLeftDoubleClicked event.
onItemRightClicked (ItemClickedEventArgs<IModelItem>)in GraphInputModeRaises the ItemRightClicked event.
onItemRightDoubleClicked (ItemClickedEventArgs<IModelItem>)in GraphInputModeRaises the ItemRightDoubleClicked event.
onItemTapped (ItemTappedEventArgs<IModelItem>)in GraphInputModeRaises the ItemTapped event.
onLassoSelectItems (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath, IEnumerable<IModelItem>, function(IModelItem):boolean)in GraphInputModeSelects the given elements in the editor inside the provided lasso-selection path.
onMarqueeSelectItems (IInputModeContext, Rect, IEnumerable<IModelItem>, function(IModelItem):boolean?)in GraphInputModeSelects the given elements in the editor inside the provided marquee-selection rectangle.
onMultiSelectionFinished (SelectionEventArgs<IModelItem>)in GraphInputModeRaises the MultiSelectionFinished event.
onMultiSelectionStarted (SelectionEventArgs<IModelItem>)in GraphInputModeRaises the MultiSelectionStarted event.
onPopulateItemContextMenu (PopulateItemContextMenuEventArgs<IModelItem>)in GraphInputModeRaises the PopulateItemContextMenu event.
onQueryItemToolTip (QueryItemToolTipEventArgs<IModelItem>)in GraphInputModeRaises the QueryItemToolTip event.
setCurrentItem (IModelItem)in GraphInputModeCalled by this instance to set the current item on the NavigationInputMode
setSelected (IModelItem, boolean)in GraphInputModeUses the graphSelection to select the given item.
shouldClick (IModelItem)in GraphInputModeCalled to determine whether the given item can be clicked.
shouldClickSelect (IModelItem)in GraphInputModeCalled to determine whether the given item should be selected when clicked with the primary mouse button.
shouldDoubleClick (IModelItem)in GraphInputModeCalled to determine whether the given item can be double clicked.
shouldFocus (IModelItem)in GraphInputModeDetermines whether the provided IModelItem should be set to the current item.
shouldMarqueeSelect (IModelItem)in GraphInputModeUsed by marqueeSelect and lassoSelect that takes marqueeSelectableItems and shouldSelectItem into account.
shouldPopulateContextMenu (IModelItem)in GraphInputModeDetermines whether for the given item a context menu should be queried.
shouldQueryToolTip (IModelItem)in GraphInputModeDetermines whether for the given item a tool tip should be queried.
shouldSelectItem (IModelItem)in GraphInputModeCalled as a broad classification whether an item can generally be selected.
tap (IModelItem, TapEventArgs)in GraphInputModeActually performs the tap on the given item.
addItemToBeReshaped (IModelItem)in GraphSnapContextAdds an item which will be reshaped.
GraphViewerInputMode ()in GraphViewerInputModeInitializes a new instance of the GraphViewerInputMode class.
HoveredItemChangedEventArgs (IModelItem, IModelItem)in HoveredItemChangedEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the HoveredItemChangedEventArgs class.
add (IModelItem)in IModelItemCollectorAdds a model item to this collector instance.
addSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, IModelItem)in ISnapLineProviderCalled by the GraphSnapContext when a drag is about to start.
create (function(GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, IModelItem):void)in ISnapLineProviderCreates an implementation of the interface ISnapLineProvider by using the given function as implementation for its addSnapLines method.
ItemDropInputMode (string, )in ItemDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the ItemDropInputMode<T> class for the expected data type.
ItemDropInputMode (string, )in ItemDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the ItemDropInputMode<T> class for the expected data type.
isValidHoverItem (IModelItem)in ItemHoverInputModeDetermines whether the given item is a valid item to be considered for hovering.
LabelDropInputMode (string, )in LabelDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
LabelDropInputMode (string, )in LabelDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
LabelDropInputMode ()in LabelDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class LabelDropInputMode for the type ILabel.
MovementInfo (Point, MoveTypes, IModelItem)in MovementInfoInitializes a new instance of the MovementInfo class.
findNearestItem (IInputModeContext, Point, MoveFocusDirection, IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in NavigationInputModeDetermines the nearest item in the given direction.
onSetCurrentItem (GraphComponent, IModelItem)in NavigationInputModeActually sets the current item property.
selectItem (GraphComponent, IModelItem, boolean)in NavigationInputModeSelects the given item.
setCurrentItem (IModelItem)in NavigationInputModeSets the "current" item to the given one.
shouldNavigateTo (IModelItem)in NavigationInputModeDetermines whether a given model item should be navigated to.
shouldSelect (IModelItem)in NavigationInputModeDetermines whether a given model item should be selected.
NodeDropInputMode ()in NodeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NodeDropInputMode class for INodes.
NodeDropInputMode (string, )in NodeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NodeDropInputMode class for the expected data type.
NodeDropInputMode (string, )in NodeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NodeDropInputMode class for the expected data type.
createNode (IInputModeContext, IGraph, INode, IModelItem, Rect)in NodeDropInputModeCreates the node in the graph after it's been dropped.
addSnapLines (GraphSnapContext, CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs, IModelItem)in NodeSnapLineProviderCalled by the GraphSnapContext when a drag is about to start.
PortDropInputMode (string, )in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
PortDropInputMode (string, )in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class DropInputMode for the expected data type.
PortDropInputMode ()in PortDropInputModeConstructs a new instance of class PortDropInputMode for the type IPort.
StripeDropInputMode ()in StripeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NodeDropInputMode class for INodes.
StripeDropInputMode (string, )in StripeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the StripeDropInputMode class for the expected data type.
StripeDropInputMode (string, )in StripeDropInputModeInitializes a new instance of the StripeDropInputMode class for the expected data type.
editLabelOnDoubleClick (IModelItem)in TableEditorInputModeStarts label editing by executing EDIT_LABEL.
onDeletedItem (ItemEventArgs<IModelItem>)in TableEditorInputModeRaises the DeletedItem event.
onItemClicked (TableItemClickedEventArgs<IModelItem>)in TableEditorInputModeRaises the ItemClicked event.
onItemDoubleClicked (TableItemClickedEventArgs<IModelItem>)in TableEditorInputModeRaises the ItemDoubleClicked event.
onItemDoubleTapped (TableItemTappedEventArgs<IModelItem>)in TableEditorInputModeRaises the ItemDoubleTapped event.
onItemLeftClicked (TableItemClickedEventArgs<IModelItem>)in TableEditorInputModeRaises the ItemLeftClicked event.
onItemLeftDoubleClicked (TableItemClickedEventArgs<IModelItem>)in TableEditorInputModeRaises the ItemLeftDoubleClicked event.
onItemRightClicked (TableItemClickedEventArgs<IModelItem>)in TableEditorInputModeRaises the ItemRightClicked event.
onItemRightDoubleClicked (TableItemClickedEventArgs<IModelItem>)in TableEditorInputModeRaises the ItemRightDoubleClicked event.
onItemTapped (TableItemTappedEventArgs<IModelItem>)in TableEditorInputModeRaises the ItemTapped event.
shouldAddLabel (IModelItem)in TableEditorInputModePredicate that determines whether a label may be added interactively to item
shouldEditLabel (IModelItem)in TableEditorInputModeDetermines whether the label or the labels of the provided item should be edited in response to a command or explicit method call to editLabel or createLabel.
addNodeEdgeItemCollection (string, ItemCollection<IModelItem>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds a set of IModelItems in the graph that will be passed to the LayoutGraph
addNodeEdgeItemCollection (GraphObjectDpKey<boolean>, ItemCollection<IModelItem>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds a set of graph items in the graph that will be passed to the LayoutGraph
addNodeEdgeItemMapping (GraphObjectDpKey<TValue>, ItemMapping<IModelItem,TValue>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds data per element in the graph that will be added to the LayoutGraph
addNodeEdgeItemMapping (string, ItemMapping<IModelItem,TValue>?)in GenericLayoutDataAdds data per node or edge in the graph that will be added to the LayoutGraph
LayoutExecutor (GraphComponent, ILayoutAlgorithm, )in LayoutExecutorInitializes a new instance of the LayoutExecutor class.
LayoutExecutor (GraphComponent, IGraph, ILayoutAlgorithm, )in LayoutExecutorInitializes a new instance of the LayoutExecutor class.
LayoutExecutorAsync (function(Object):Promise<Object>, GraphComponent, LayoutDescriptor?, LayoutData?, )in LayoutExecutorAsyncCreates a new instance of a layout execution helper that will asynchronously perform the calculations and optionally animate the layout on the given graphComponent.
LayoutExecutorAsync (function(Object):Promise<Object>, IGraph, LayoutDescriptor?, LayoutData?, )in LayoutExecutorAsyncCreates a new instance of a layout execution helper that will asynchronously perform the calculations and apply the results on the provided graph.
LayoutGraphAdapter (IGraph?, ISelectionModel<IModelItem>?, )in LayoutGraphAdapterCreates the adapter using a given IGraph and ISelectionModel<T>.
configureAreaOutline (IEnumerable<IModelItem>, number, boolean?)in ClearAreaLayoutCreates and sets the value of the property areaOutline of the layout determined from the items.
configureAreaOutline (IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in FillAreaLayoutCreates and sets the value of the property area of the layout determined from the items.
GraphComponent (HTMLDivElement, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent in the given div element.
GraphComponent ()in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent.
GraphComponent (string, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of GraphComponent using the div element that is specified by the selector.
GraphFocusIndicatorManager ()in GraphFocusIndicatorManagerCreates a new instance.
getInstaller (IModelItem)in GraphFocusIndicatorManagerCalled by installItem to retrieve the installer for a given item.
GraphHighlightIndicatorManager ()in GraphHighlightIndicatorManagerCreates a new instance.
getInstaller (IModelItem)in GraphHighlightIndicatorManagerCalled by installItem to retrieve the installer for a given item.
compare (IModelItem, IModelItem)in GraphModelManagerCompares two items with respect to their rendering order.
getCanvasObject (IModelItem)in GraphModelManagerRetrieves the ICanvasObject visualizing a given model item managed by this instance.
getMainCanvasObject (IModelItem)in GraphModelManagerRetrieves the ICanvasObject for a given model item that can be used for z-order or visibility operations.
lower (IModelItem)in GraphModelManagerLowers the visual representation of the item below its current predecessor.
lower (IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in GraphModelManagerLowers the visual representations of all IModelItems in items below their current predecessors.
raise (IModelItem)in GraphModelManagerRaises the visual representation of the item above its current successor.
raise (IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in GraphModelManagerRaises the visual representations of all IModelItems in items above their current successors.
toBack (IModelItem)in GraphModelManagerLowers the visual representation of the item to the back.
toBack (IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in GraphModelManagerLowers the visual representation of all IModelItems in items to the back.
toFront (IModelItem)in GraphModelManagerRaises the visual representation of the item to the front.
toFront (IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in GraphModelManagerRaises the visual representations of all IModelItems in items to the front.
update (IModelItem)in GraphModelManagerUpdates the visual representation of the given item.
isSelected (IModelItem)in GraphSelection
onItemSelectionChanged (ItemSelectionChangedEventArgs<IModelItem>)in GraphSelectionRaises the ItemSelectionChanged event
setSelected (IModelItem, boolean)in GraphSelection
GraphSelectionIndicatorManager ()in GraphSelectionIndicatorManagerCreates a new instance that for all selected items in the model dynamically installs a selection indicator visualization.
getInstaller (IModelItem)in GraphSelectionIndicatorManagerCalled by installItem to retrieve the installer for a given item.
getAnimations (IModelItem)in WebGL2GraphModelManagerReturns the currently associated animations for the given item.
addItem (IModelItem)in WebGL2HighlightIndicatorManager
removeItem (IModelItem)in WebGL2HighlightIndicatorManager
addSelection (IModelItem)in WebGL2SelectionIndicatorManager
removeSelection (IModelItem)in WebGL2SelectionIndicatorManager

Extending Types

IncrementalHintItemMappingProvides different ways to define a mapping from model items to incremental hints for use with HierarchicLayoutData.
GraphFocusIndicatorManagerA FocusIndicatorManager<T> for graph items that supports using styles to indicate the focus.
GraphHighlightIndicatorManagerA HighlightIndicatorManager<T> for graph items that supports using styles to indicate the highlight.
GraphSelectionIndicatorManagerA SelectionIndicatorManager<T> for graph items that supports using styles to indicate the selection.
WebGL2FocusIndicatorManagerA specialization of the FocusIndicatorManager<T> class that delegates its work to WebGL2GraphModelManager.
WebGL2HighlightIndicatorManagerA specialization of the HighlightIndicatorManager<T> class that delegates its work to WebGL2GraphModelManager.
WebGL2SelectionIndicatorManagerA specialization of the SelectionIndicatorManager<T> class that delegates its work to WebGL2GraphModelManager.

Implementing Types

IBendThe interface used in an IGraph implementation to control the layout of edges.
IEdgeThe interface used to model edges in an IGraph implementation.
ILabelThe interface used in an IGraph implementation for labels.
ILabelOwnerCommon interface for items in an IGraph implementation that may own labels.
IPortOwnerThe common interface for items in an IGraph that may own ports.
IGraphSelectionManages the selection state of items in an IGraph instance.