documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IMapper


circleIdsin CircularLayoutDataGets or sets the mapper from nodes to their circle id.
mapperin MapperInputHandlerGets or sets the mapper to use for storing the data.
mapperin MapperOutputHandlerGets or sets the mapper to use for querying the data for each item.
layerIndicesin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapper from nodes to the index of their layer.
sequenceIndicesin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapper from nodes to the sequence index in their layer.
mapperin ItemCollectionGets or sets a mapping from the items to a boolean value.
mapperin ItemMappingGets or sets an IMapper<K,V> that realizes the mapping.
edgeEndLayoutin LayoutExecutorAsyncGets a mapping from edges in the graph to their new layout, after the results are in.
labelEndBoundsin LayoutExecutorAsyncGets a mapping from labels in the graph to their new layout, after the results are in.
labelEndParameterin LayoutExecutorAsyncGets a mapping from labels in the graph to their new layout parameters, after the results are in.
nodeEndLayoutin LayoutExecutorAsyncGets a mapping from nodes in the graph to their new layout, after the results are in.
portEndParameterin LayoutExecutorAsyncGets a mapping from ports in the graph to their new location parameters, after the results are in.
zCoordinatesin OrganicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapper from non-group nodes to the computed center z-coordinate in case that a 3D layout was created.
nodeInfosin RadialLayoutDataGets or sets the mapping from nodes to a RadialLayoutNodeInfo describing on which circle and in which sector the node is placed.
compactNodePlacerStrategyMementosin TreeLayoutDataGets or sets a mapper from nodes to a strategy memento object for the CompactNodePlacer.

Method Return Values

from (IMapper<K,V>)in IMapperCreates an IMapper<K,V> instance from the given mapper-like object by performing automatic type conversion.
fromConstant (V)in IMapperCreates a constant mapper that will always return the constant.
fromDelegate (function(K):V)in IMapperCreate an implementation of IMapper<K,V> that delegates get getter calls to the provided handler.
createConstantMapper (Class, Class, Object, V)in IMapperRegistryCreates a read-only IMapper<K,V> implementation and adds it to the registry using the provided tag.
createConstantMapper (NodeDpKey<V>, V)in IMapperRegistryCreates a simple read-only IMapper<K,V> implementation with key type INode and adds it to the registry using the provided tag.
createConstantMapper (EdgeDpKey<V>, V)in IMapperRegistryCreates a simple read-only IMapper<K,V> implementation with key type IEdge and adds it to the registry using the provided tag.
createConstantMapper (ILabelLayoutDpKey<V>, V)in IMapperRegistryCreates a simple read-only IMapper<K,V> implementation with key type ILabel and adds it to the registry using the provided tag.
createDelegateMapper (Class, Class, Object, function(K):V)in IMapperRegistryCreates a delegate-based read-only IMapper<K,V> implementation and adds it to the registry using the provided tag.
createDelegateMapper (NodeDpKey<V>, function(INode):V)in IMapperRegistryCreates a delegate-based read-only IMapper<K,V> implementation with key type INode and adds it to the registry using the provided tag.
createDelegateMapper (EdgeDpKey<V>, function(IEdge):V)in IMapperRegistryCreates a delegate-based read-only IMapper<K,V> implementation with key type IEdge and adds it to the registry using the provided tag.
createDelegateMapper (ILabelLayoutDpKey<V>, function(ILabel):V)in IMapperRegistryCreates a delegate-based read-only IMapper<K,V> implementation with key type ILabel and adds it to the registry using the provided tag.
getMapper (Object)in IMapperRegistryReturns a mapper that has previously been registered with this instance for the given tag.
getMapper (Object)in MapperRegistry
addInputMapperFuture (Class, Class, string)in GraphMLIOHandlerCreate a Future<T> instance that wraps an IMapper<K,V> for use as an input data target.
addInputMapperFuture (Class, Class, function(Element):boolean, function(Object, HandleDeserializationEventArgs):void)in GraphMLIOHandlerCreate a Future<T> instance that wraps an IMapper<K,V> for use as an input data target.
addRegistryInputMapper (Class, Class, string)in GraphMLIOHandlerCreate a Future<T> instance that wraps an IInputHandler that stores the data in an IMapper<K,V> that will be created in the graph's IMapperRegistry.
addRegistryInputMapper (Class, Class, Object, function(Element):boolean, function(Object, HandleDeserializationEventArgs):void)in GraphMLIOHandlerCreate a Future<T> instance that wraps an IInputHandler that stores the data in an IMapper<K,V> that will be created in the graph's IMapperRegistry.
createMapper (Class, Class, IParseContext, Object)in GraphMLIOHandlerCalled by addRegistryInputMapper and its overloads to creates the mapper instance.
createEdgeMapper (IEdgeMap)in YGraphAdapterCreates an IMapper<K,V> that delegates to the provided IEdgeMap when queried for items in the IGraph.
createMapper (IDataProvider)in YGraphAdapterCreates an IMapper<K,V> that delegates to the provided IDataProvider when queried for items in the IGraph.
createNodeMapper (INodeMap)in YGraphAdapterCreates an IMapper<K,V> that delegates to the provided INodeMap when queried for items in the IGraph.

Method Parameters

getAverageWeightedDegree (IMapper<IEdge,number>, boolean?)in GraphStructureAnalyzerComputes the average weighted degree of the graph.
getDiameter (IMapper<IEdge,number>, boolean?)in GraphStructureAnalyzerComputes the diameter of the graph.
copyTo (IMapper<TKey,TValue>)in ResultItemMappingCopies the entries of this mapping into the given mapper.
CircularLayoutData ()in CircularLayoutDataCreates a new instance of CircularLayoutData which helps configuring CircularLayout.
from (IMapper<K,V>)in IMapperCreates an IMapper<K,V> instance from the given mapper-like object by performing automatic type conversion.
addMapper (Class, Class, Object, IMapper<K,V>)in IMapperRegistryRegisters a mapper for the given tag.
create (Class, Class, IMapper<TKey,TValue>)in MapperMetadataCreates an instance for the specified mapper.
addMapper (Class, Class, Object, IMapper<K,V>)in MapperRegistry
addInputMapper (Class, Class, string, IMapper<TKey,TData>)in GraphMLIOHandlerRegister a IMapper<K,V> instance for use as an input data target.
addInputMapper (Class, Class, function(Element):boolean, IMapper<TKey,TData>, function(Object, HandleDeserializationEventArgs):void)in GraphMLIOHandlerRegister a IMapper<K,V> instance for use as an input data target.
addOutputMapper (Class, Class, string, IMapper<TModelItem,TValue>)in GraphMLIOHandlerRegister a IMapper<K,V> instance for use as an output data source
addOutputMapper (Class, Class, string, string, IMapper<TModelItem,TValue>, function(Object, HandleSerializationEventArgs):void, KeyType)in GraphMLIOHandlerRegister a IMapper<K,V> instance for use as an output data source.
createMapperInputHandler (Class, Class, IMapper<TKey,TData>, function(Object, HandleDeserializationEventArgs):void)in GraphMLIOHandlerCreates an IInputHandler implementations that matches the provided TKey and TData.
createMapperOutputHandler (Class, Class, string, IMapper<TKey,TData>, function(Object, HandleSerializationEventArgs):void)in GraphMLIOHandlerCreates an IOutputHandler implementation that matches the provided TKey and TData.
HierarchicLayoutData ()in HierarchicLayoutDataCreates a new instance of HierarchicLayoutData which helps configuring HierarchicLayout.
IncrementalHintItemMapping ()in IncrementalHintItemMappingCreates a new instance of IncrementalHintItemMapping.
ContextItemMapping (IMapper<TItem,TValue>)in ContextItemMappingConstructor overload that directly sets the mapper.
DataMapAdapter (Class, Class, IMapper<K,V>)in DataMapAdapterInitializes a new instance of the DataMapAdapter<K,V> class.
DataProviderAdapter (Class, IMapper<TKey,TValue>)in MapperDataProviderAdapterCreates a new instance that adapts the provided mapper instance.
ItemCollection (IMapper<TItem,boolean>, ItemCollection<TItem>?)in ItemCollectionConstructor overload that directly sets the mapper that describes which items are contained in this instance.
ItemMapping (IMapper<TItem,TValue>)in ItemMappingConstructor overload that directly sets the mapper.
addDataProvider (Class, Class, Object, IMapper<K,V>)in LayoutGraphAdapterRegisters a data provider with the graph using the given look-up key and wrapping the given mapper.
createDataMap (Class, Class, IMapper<K,V>)in YGraphAdapterCreates an IDataMap that delegates to the provided IMapper<K,V> when queried for items in the yGraph.
createDataProvider (Class, Class, IMapper<K,V>)in YGraphAdapterCreates an IDataProvider that delegates to the provided IMapper<K,V> when queried for items in the yGraph.
createEdgeMap (IMapper<IEdge,V>)in YGraphAdapterCreates an IEdgeMap that delegates to the provided IMapper<K,V> when queried for Edges in the yGraph.
createNodeMap (IMapper<INode,V>)in YGraphAdapterCreates an INodeMap that delegates to the provided IMapper<K,V> when queried for YNodes in the yGraph.
OrganicLayoutData ()in OrganicLayoutDataCreates a new instance of OrganicLayoutData which helps configuring OrganicLayout.
RadialLayoutData ()in RadialLayoutDataCreates a new instance of RadialLayoutData which helps configuring RadialLayout.
TreeLayoutData ()in TreeLayoutDataCreates a new instance of TreeLayoutData which helps configuring TreeLayout.
createGraphAnimation (IGraph, IMapper<INode,IRectangle>?, IMapper<IEdge,yfiles.geometry.IPoint[]>?, IMapper<IPort,IPortLocationModelParameter>?, IMapper<ILabel,ILabelModelParameter>?, TimeSpan?)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given layout of all types of graph items.

Implementing Types

ResultItemMappingRepresents a mapping from keys to values that is part of a result of running a graph analysis algorithm.
IMapA collection of value objects which are mapped to key objects and can be queried using their keys.
MapperAn IMapper<K,V> implementation backed by a IMap<TKey,TValue>.
CreationPropertiesA mutable implementation of IMapper<K,V> that is typed for Object keys and values.