documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IList


facein DartGets the face list associated with this dart.
facesin PlanarEmbeddingGets a IList<T> of face lists.
outerFacein PlanarEmbeddingGets the IList<T> that represents the outer face.
labelModelsin CompositeLabelModelGets a list of ILabelModel implementations that are wrapped by this instance.
layoutStagesin CompositeLayoutStageGets the complete pipeline of ILayoutStages that were added to this CompositeLayoutStage.
intersectionPointsin IntersectionInfoGets a list of YPoints that describe the intersecting area or line.
layoutsin SequentialLayoutGets or sets the chain of layout algorithms.
intermediateRoutingPointsin EdgeRouterEdgeLayoutDescriptorGets or sets the list of intermediate YPoints that need to lie on the edge route.
registeredPartitionExtensionsin EdgeRouterGets a list of all registered IGraphPartitionExtensions.
registeredPathSearchExtensionsin EdgeRouterGets a list of all registered PathSearchExtensions.
segmentInfosin SegmentGroupGets the list of SegmentInfos contained in this group.
childrenin SvgVisualGroupGets the list of children with read and write access.


createdChildrenin RotatableNodePlacerBaseThe list containing the created children.

Method Return Values

findIntersections (LayoutGraph, IntersectionItemTypes, IEnumerable<Object>)in IntersectionAlgorithmReturns a list of intersections between the graph items or a subset of graph items.
getOutgoingDarts (YNode)in PlanarEmbeddingReturns a IList<T> containing the (cyclic ordered) outgoing darts of the specified node.
getChains (Graph, number, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?)in SubstructuresReturns a list of Substructures that represent the chains in the specified graph with at least minimumSize nodes.
getCliques (Graph, number, IDataProvider?)in SubstructuresReturns a list of Substructures that represent the (undirected) cliques in the specified graph with at least minimumSize nodes.
getCycles (Graph, number, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?)in SubstructuresReturns a list of Substructures that represent the cycles in the specified graph with at least minimumSize nodes.
getStars (Graph, number, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?)in SubstructuresReturns a list of Substructures that represent the stars in the specified graph with at least minimumSize nodes.
getTrees (Graph, number, IDataProvider?, IDataProvider?)in SubstructuresReturns a list of Substructures that represent the trees in the specified graph with at least minimumSize nodes.
toList ()in YPointPathGet the points in the path as list.
from (IList<T>)in IListCreates a IList<T> instance from the given object by performing automatic type conversion.
getPathToRoot (INode)in GroupingSupportGets the path to root traversing all parents of the given item.
getInputHandlers (IParseContext, Element)in GraphMLParserDynamically retrieve all IInputHandler instances that process a GraphML attribute with key definition keyDefinition.
getSortedModes ()in MultiplexingInputModeReturns a list of all modes managed by this instance in sorted order.
getCells (YRectangle)in DynamicObstacleDecompositionReturns a list of all PartitionCells that intersect or cover the given rectangle.
getCellsForObstacle (Obstacle)in DynamicObstacleDecompositionReturns all partition cells that are completely covered by the given Obstacle.
getNeighbors (PartitionCell)in DynamicObstacleDecompositionReturns the neighbor partition cells of the given cell.
getObstacles (PartitionCell)in DynamicObstacleDecompositionReturns all Obstacles that cover the given partition cell.
getCells (YRectangle)in GraphPartitionReturns a list of all PartitionCells that intersect or cover the given rectangle by delegating to the corresponding method of the inner partition.
getCellsForNode (YNode)in GraphPartitionReturns all PartitionCells that are completely covered by the bounds of the given node.
getNeighbors (PartitionCell)in GraphPartitionReturns a list of all PartitionCells that are neighbors of the given cell, i.e., those cells that have a common border segment with the given cell.
getNodes (PartitionCell)in GraphPartitionReturns a list of all YNodes whose bounds intersect or cover the bounds of the given cell.
getObstacles (PartitionCell)in GraphPartitionReturns all Obstacles covering the given PartitionCell by delegating to the corresponding method of the inner partition.
getCellsForObstacle (Obstacle)in IObstaclePartitionReturns all PartitionCells that are completely covered by the given Obstacle.
getObstacles (PartitionCell)in IObstaclePartitionReturns all Obstacles that cover the given PartitionCell.
getCells (YRectangle)in IPartitionReturns a list of all PartitionCells that intersect or cover the given rectangle.
getNeighbors (PartitionCell)in IPartitionReturns a list of all PartitionCells that are neighbors of the given cell, i.e., those cells that have a common border segment with the given cell.

Method Parameters

YPointPath (IList<Object>)in YPointPathCreates a new path from a list of points.
from (IList<T>)in IListCreates a IList<T> instance from the given object by performing automatic type conversion.
initializeFoldingEdgeState (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in ExcludingFoldingEdgeConverterDoes nothing and should not normally be called by the view since all folding edges are excluded from it.
updateFoldingEdgeState (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in ExcludingFoldingEdgeConverterDoes nothing and should not normally be called by the view since all folding edges are excluded from it.
createEdgeStyle (IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the IEdgeStyle for use in initializeFoldingEdgeStyle.
createSourcePortLocationParameter (IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the IPortLocationModelParameter of the source port for use in initializeFoldingEdgePorts.
createSourcePortStyle (IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the IPortStyle of the source port for use in initializeFoldingEdgePorts.
createTargetPortLocationParameter (IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the IPortLocationModelParameter of the target port for use in initializeFoldingEdgePorts.
createTargetPortStyle (IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the IPortStyle of the target port for use in initializeFoldingEdgePorts.
initializeFoldingEdgeBends (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseInitializes the bends of the folding edge.
initializeFoldingEdgeLabels (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseInitializes the initial labels of the folding edge.
initializeFoldingEdgePorts (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseInitializes the ports of the folding edge.
initializeFoldingEdgeState (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseImplements the initializeFoldingEdgeState method and initializes the folding edge appearance.
initializeFoldingEdgeStyle (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseInitializes the style property of the folding edge.
synchronizeLabels (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCalled by updateFoldingEdgeState to synchronize the first label if copyFirstLabel is enabled.
updateFoldingEdgeState (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseImplements the updateFoldingEdgeState method and changes the folding edge appearance.
create ()in IFoldingEdgeConverterCreates an implementation of the interface IFoldingEdgeConverter from the given definition.
initializeFoldingEdgeState (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in IFoldingEdgeConverterTriggered by the view to initially create the appearance of a folding edge.
updateFoldingEdgeState (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in IFoldingEdgeConverterTriggered by the view to adjust the appearance of a folding edge
QueryInputHandlersEventArgs (IParseContext, Element, IList<IInputHandler>)in QueryInputHandlersEventArgsCreate a new instance.
addExistingPorts (IPortOwner, IList<IPortCandidate>)in PortCandidateProviderBaseAdds candidates for all existing ports of the owner to the provided list.
SequentialLayout ()in SequentialLayoutCreates a new SequentialLayout instance with an empty chain of layout algorithms.
addAlignmentConstraint (IList<Object>, OrganicLayoutConstraintOrientation)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryAdds constraints that cause the given nodes to align parallel to the specified axis.
addAlignmentConstraint (IList<Object>, OrganicLayoutConstraintOrientation, number)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryAdds constraints that cause the given nodes to align parallel to the specified axis.
addEllipse (IList<Object>, boolean, number?)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryAdds constraints that cause the specified nodes to be arranged on the border of an ellipse with the given aspect ratio.
addFixedDistances (IList<Object>, OrganicLayoutConstraintOrientation)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryAdds constraints to fix the positions of the specified nodes in relation to one another along one coordinate axis.
addFloatingBoundingBox (IList<Object>, number, number)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryAdds constraints that prevent the specified nodes from occupying an area larger than the defined bounding box.
addOrderConstraint (IList<Object>, OrganicLayoutConstraintOrientation)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryAdds constraints that cause the given nodes to be placed along the specified axis in the order they are given.
addPinnedBoundingBox (IList<Object>, number, number, number, number)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryAdds constraints that prevent the given nodes from being placed outside the specified rectangle.
addRectangle (IList<Object>, number?)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryAdds constraints that cause the specified nodes to be arranged on the border of a rectangle with the given aspect ratio.
addRegularAlignmentConstraint (IList<Object>, OrganicLayoutConstraintOrientation)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryAdds constraints that cause the given nodes to be aligned parallel to the specified axis.
addRegularAlignmentConstraint (IList<Object>, OrganicLayoutConstraintOrientation, number)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryAdds constraints that cause the given nodes to be aligned parallel to the specified axis.
addSeparationConstraint (IList<Object>, IList<Object>, OrganicLayoutConstraintOrientation, number)in OrganicLayoutConstraintFactoryAdds constraints that enforce a minimum distance between two sets of nodes.
sortSegmentInfos (IList<Object>, IComparer<Object>)in ChannelBasedPathRoutingSorts the given list of SegmentInfos using the given comparator.
fireSubdividedEvent (PartitionCell, IList<Object>)in DynamicObstacleDecompositionNotifies all registered dynamic decomposition listeners of a subdivision of a given partition cell.
init (IList<Object>, YRectangle)in DynamicObstacleDecompositionInitializes this DynamicObstacleDecomposition instance with the given obstacles and partition bounds.
EdgeLayoutDescriptor ()in EdgeRouterEdgeLayoutDescriptorCreates a new instance of an EdgeRouterEdgeLayoutDescriptor with the default settings.
onCellSubdivided (PartitionCell, IList<Object>)in GraphPartitionRe-dispatches the event of the subdivision of a given PartitionCell into several sub-cells to all registered IDecompositionListeners.
onCellSubdivided (PartitionCell, IList<Object>)in GraphPartitionExtensionAdapter
onCellSubdivided (PartitionCell, IList<Object>)in IDecompositionListenerCallback after the given PartitionCell has been subdivided into several sub-cells.
appendEnterIntervals (CellEntrance, PartitionCell, OrthogonalInterval, IList<Object>, PathSearchContext)in IEnterIntervalCalculatorAppends additional enter intervals to the given list of enter intervals for moving from the partition cell of the current CellEntrance to the neighboring cell.
init (IList<Object>, YRectangle)in IObstaclePartitionInitializes a new IObstaclePartition of the area with the given bounds using the given list of Obstacles.
Path (IList<Object>, number)in EdgeRouterPathCreates a new instance of EdgeRouterPath for the given edge, cell entrances and cost.
appendStartEntrances (IList<Object>)in PathSearchExtensionAppends additional start entrances for the path search of the current edge to the given list of all previously generated entrances.
SegmentGroup (Interval, IList<Object>)in SegmentGroupCreates a new instance of SegmentGroup that contains the given segments and a range to place them.
SegmentInfo (Edge, number, Direction, Interval, Interval, Interval, IList<Object>)in SegmentInfoCreates a new instance of SegmentInfo with the given information.
getBounds (IList<Object>)in RootNodeAlignmentCalculates the common bounds of the given subtree shapes.
placeParentHorizontal (RotatedSubtreeShape, IList<Object>, Rectangle2D, number)in RootNodeAlignmentMoves the shape of the local root to a suitable position relative to the children's shapes.

Implementing Types

YListAn implementation of a doubly linked list that provides direct access to the cells that store the elements.
ListDefault implementation of IList<T>.