documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of ILayer

Method Return Values

insertGroupConnectorLayer (boolean, number)in IItemFactoryInserts a layer for proxies at groups to handle direct group content connector edges between a node in the first/last layer of the group node and the groups border.
insertGroupNodeLayer (boolean, number)in IItemFactoryInserts a layer for group YNodes.
insertLabelNodeLayer (boolean, number)in IItemFactoryInserts a ILayer for labels.
getLayer (number)in ILayersReturns the layer at the specified position in this list of layers.
insert (LayerType, number)in ILayersCreates, inserts and returns a layer of a given type associated with this list of layers.

Method Parameters

getMinDistance (LayoutGraph, ILayer, ILayoutDataProvider, YNode, YNode)in DefaultDrawingDistanceCalculatorDetermines the minimum distance between two YNodes of the same layer.
getMinDistance (LayoutGraph, ILayer, ILayoutDataProvider, YNode, YNode)in IDrawingDistanceCalculatorMain interface method called by IHierarchicLayoutNodePlacer instances to determine the minimum distance between YNodes of same layer.
createBendNode (ILayer, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor?)in IItemFactoryCreates a bend YNode for the given Edge in the given ILayer and assigns it to the given SwimlaneDescriptor instance.
createBusDummyNode (ILayer, YNode, SwimlaneDescriptor)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy node that is used during the sequencing and drawing phase for the bus-style routing edges at a certain root node.
createConnectorProxyForGroup (YNode, Object, ILayer, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy YNode that mimics a connector to a group YNode.
createContentConnectorProxyForGroup (YNode, Object, ILayer, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy node that mimics a connector to a group node from a descendant.
createDistanceNode (ILayer, Rectangle2D, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a spacer YNode for the drawing phase using the given bounds in the given ILayer.
createEdgeGroupNode (ILayer, Object)in IItemFactoryCreates an edge group YNode in the given ILayer.
createGroupBorderNode (YNode, ILayer, NodeDataType)in IItemFactoryCreates a group boundary YNode for a group node in the given ILayer.
createRecursiveEdgeDummy (ILayer, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor)in IItemFactoryCreates a dummy YNode that represents a bend node of a recursive Edge.
createSameLayerProxy (ILayer, Edge, YNode)in IItemFactoryCreates a same-layer Edge proxy connecting a newly created proxy YNode and a given proxy YNode in the given ILayer.
createSameLayerSideProxy (ILayer, YNode, Edge, SwimlaneDescriptor?)in IItemFactoryCreates a proxy YNode for a same-layer Edge during the drawing phase that ends at the side of a node.
createSameLayerSwitchProxy (ILayer, Edge)in IItemFactoryCreates a same-layer switch proxy YNode (switching between two same-layer Edges on two different sides of the layer).
destroyGroupConnectorLayer (ILayer, boolean)in IItemFactoryRemoves the given layer for proxies at groups to handle direct group content connector edges between a node in the first/last layer of the group node and the groups border.
destroyLabelNodeLayer (ILayer, boolean)in IItemFactoryDestroys a previously created label layer
getMinDistance (LayoutGraph, ILayer, YNode, YNode)in SimplexNodePlacerSpecifies the minimum allowed distance between two nodes of the same given layer.
getMinimumLayerHeight (LayoutGraph, ILayoutDataProvider, ILayer)in SimplexNodePlacerReturns the minimum height of a given layer.
getMinDistance (LayoutGraph, ILayer, ILayoutDataProvider, YNode, YNode)in TypeBasedDrawingDistanceCalculator