documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IFoldingView


viewsin FoldingManagerGets all currently known view instances that are managed by this instance.
foldingViewin IGraphGets the folding view instance associated with this IGraph or null if none is associated with it.

Method Return Values

createFoldingView (INode?, function(INode):boolean?)in FoldingManagerCreates a separate view instance of the masterGraph which is a synchronized copy of a subset of the items from the master graph.

Method Parameters

createLabelLayoutParameter (IFoldingView, ILabel, ILabel)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterCreates the ILabelModelParameter for use in initializeFolderNodeLabels.
createLabelStyle (IFoldingView, ILabel, ILabel)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterCreates the ILabelStyle for use in initializeFolderNodeLabels.
createNodeStyle (IFoldingView, INode, INode)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterCreates the INodeStyle for use in initializeFolderNodeStyle.
createPortLocationParameter (IFoldingView, IPort, IPort)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterCreates the IPortLocationModelParameter for use in initializeFolderNodePorts.
createPortStyle (IFoldingView, IPort, IPort)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterCreates the IPortStyle for use in initializeFolderNodePorts.
initializeFolderNodeLabels (FolderNodeState, IFoldingView, INode, INode)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterInitializes the initial labels of the collapsed group node.
initializeFolderNodeLayout (FolderNodeState, IFoldingView, INode, INode)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterInitializes the layout of the collapsed group node.
initializeFolderNodePorts (FolderNodeState, IFoldingView, INode, INode)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterCalled by initializeFolderNodeState to initialize the appearance of the representatives of the master ports at the collapsed group node.
initializeFolderNodeState (FolderNodeState, IFoldingView, INode, INode)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterImplements the initializeFolderNodeState method and initializes the appearance of the collapsed group node.
initializeFolderNodeStyle (FolderNodeState, IFoldingView, INode, INode)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterInitializes the style property of the collapsed group node.
synchronizeLabels (FolderNodeState, IFoldingView, INode, INode)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterCalled by updateFolderNodeState to synchronize the first label if copyFirstLabel is enabled.
updateFolderNodeState (FolderNodeState, IFoldingView, INode, INode)in DefaultFolderNodeConverterImplements the updateFolderNodeState method and changes the folder node appearance.
addFoldingEdge (IFoldingEdgeFactory, IFoldingView, IEdge, INode, boolean, INode, boolean)in DefaultFoldingEdgeConverterActually adds the folding edge as a separate edge to the view, reusing existing view ports of the original source and target port, if reuseMasterPorts is enabled and that is possible for the given edge.
addFoldingEdge (IFoldingEdgeFactory, IFoldingView, IEdge, INode, boolean, INode, boolean)in ExcludingFoldingEdgeConverterAlways calls excludeFoldingEdge
initializeFoldingEdgeState (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in ExcludingFoldingEdgeConverterDoes nothing and should not normally be called by the view since all folding edges are excluded from it.
updateFoldingEdgeState (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in ExcludingFoldingEdgeConverterDoes nothing and should not normally be called by the view since all folding edges are excluded from it.
addFoldingEdge (IFoldingEdgeFactory, IFoldingView, IEdge, INode, boolean, INode, boolean)in FoldingEdgeConverterBase
createEdgeStyle (IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the IEdgeStyle for use in initializeFoldingEdgeStyle.
createLabelLayoutParameter (IFoldingView, ILabel, ILabel)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the ILabelModelParameter for use in initializeFoldingEdgeLabels.
createLabelStyle (IFoldingView, ILabel, ILabel)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the ILabelStyle for use in initializeFoldingEdgeLabels.
createSourcePortLocationParameter (IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the IPortLocationModelParameter of the source port for use in initializeFoldingEdgePorts.
createSourcePortStyle (IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the IPortStyle of the source port for use in initializeFoldingEdgePorts.
createTargetPortLocationParameter (IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the IPortLocationModelParameter of the target port for use in initializeFoldingEdgePorts.
createTargetPortStyle (IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCreates the IPortStyle of the target port for use in initializeFoldingEdgePorts.
initializeFoldingEdgeBends (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseInitializes the bends of the folding edge.
initializeFoldingEdgeLabels (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseInitializes the initial labels of the folding edge.
initializeFoldingEdgePorts (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseInitializes the ports of the folding edge.
initializeFoldingEdgeState (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseImplements the initializeFoldingEdgeState method and initializes the folding edge appearance.
initializeFoldingEdgeStyle (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseInitializes the style property of the folding edge.
synchronizeLabels (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseCalled by updateFoldingEdgeState to synchronize the first label if copyFirstLabel is enabled.
updateFoldingEdgeState (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in FoldingEdgeConverterBaseImplements the updateFoldingEdgeState method and changes the folding edge appearance.
FoldingEdgeStateId (IFoldingView, IEdge)in FoldingEdgeStateIdInitializes an id for a folding edge that is currently part of the given view.
getEdgesChangedAfterCollapse (IFoldingView, INode)in FoldingManagerReturns the FoldingEdgeStateIds of all edges whose folding state would change if the groupNode would be collapsed.
getEdgesChangedAfterExpand (IFoldingView, INode)in FoldingManagerReturns the FoldingEdgeStateIds of all edges whose folding state would change if the groupNode would be expanded.
getNodesRevealedAfterExpand (IFoldingView, INode)in FoldingManagerReturns the master nodes of the descendants of the groupNode that would be represented in the view if the groupNode would be expanded.
prepareFoldingView (IFoldingView)in FoldingManagerCan be overridden by subclasses to prepare the IFoldingView instance right before it will be initialized with a copy of the elements in the initial graph.
create ()in IFolderNodeConverterCreates an implementation of the interface IFolderNodeConverter from the given definition.
initializeFolderNodeState (FolderNodeState, IFoldingView, INode, INode)in IFolderNodeConverterCalled by view implementations to initially create the appearance of a folder node.
updateFolderNodeState (FolderNodeState, IFoldingView, INode, INode)in IFolderNodeConverterCalled by view implementations to change the appearance of a folder node.
addFoldingEdge (IFoldingEdgeFactory, IFoldingView, IEdge, INode, boolean, INode, boolean)in IFoldingEdgeConverterThis method gets called by the IFoldingView implementation to determine whether a given edge in the masterGraph should be represented by a folding edge in the given view.
create ()in IFoldingEdgeConverterCreates an implementation of the interface IFoldingEdgeConverter from the given definition.
initializeFoldingEdgeState (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in IFoldingEdgeConverterTriggered by the view to initially create the appearance of a folding edge.
updateFoldingEdgeState (FoldingEdgeState, IFoldingView, IEdge, IList<IEdge>)in IFoldingEdgeConverterTriggered by the view to adjust the appearance of a folding edge
addFirstSeparateEdge (IFoldingEdgeFactory, IFoldingView, IEdge, INode, boolean, INode, boolean)in MergingFoldingEdgeConverterAdds the first separate edge to the source and target node pair using the addAsSeparateEdge method.
addFoldingEdge (IFoldingEdgeFactory, IFoldingView, IEdge, INode, boolean, INode, boolean)in MergingFoldingEdgeConverterTries to add the folding edge to an existing folding edge, considering the ignoreEdgeDirection property.