documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


foldingEdgeConverterin FoldingManagerGets or sets the IFoldingEdgeConverter implementation that is used to create/convert and modify the folding edges inside the view instances.

Method Return Values

create ()in IFoldingEdgeConverterCreates an implementation of the interface IFoldingEdgeConverter from the given definition.

Method Parameters

FoldingManager ()in FoldingManagerCreates a new manager with a default backing graph implementation.
FoldingManager (IGraph, )in FoldingManagerCreates a manager instance for the given masterGraph to create views on top of it that support folding operations.

Implementing Types

ExcludingFoldingEdgeConverterAn IFoldingEdgeConverter implementation that prevents folding edges from appearing in the view.
FoldingEdgeConverterBaseAn abstract basic implementation of the IFoldingEdgeConverter interface that may be derived from to create a customized foldingEdgeConverter.