documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


rendererin ArcEdgeStyleGets the renderer implementation that has been supplied to this instance in the constructor.
rendererin ArrowEdgeStyle
rendererin BezierEdgeStyleGets the renderer implementation that has been supplied to this instance in the constructor.
rendererin BridgeEdgeStyleGets the renderer implementation that has been supplied to this instance in the constructor.
rendererin EdgeStyleBaseGets the renderer implementation for this instance.
rendererin IEdgeStyleGets the renderer implementation that can be queried for implementations that provide details about the visual appearance and visual behavior for a given edge and this style instance.
rendererin IndicatorEdgeStyleDecorator
rendererin PolylineEdgeStyleGets the renderer implementation that has been supplied to this instance in the constructor.
rendererin VoidEdgeStyleGets the VoidEdgeStyleRenderer instance.
rendererin WebGLPolylineEdgeStyleGets the renderer implementation that has been supplied to this instance in the constructor.
rendererin WebGLTaperedEdgeStyle

Implementing Types

PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererAn abstract base class for IEdgeStyleRenderer implementations that are based on the calculation of a GeneralPath.
VoidEdgeStyleRendererA void implementation of an edge style renderer that does nothing.