documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Method Return Values

getLabelLayout (Edge)in CopiedLayoutGraphReturns the layout information for all labels associated with the given edge of the copied graph.
getLabelLayout (Edge)in DefaultLayoutGraph
createLabelLayout (Edge, YOrientedRectangle)in ILabelLayoutFactoryCreates a new ILabelLayout for the given edge.
createLabelLayout (Edge, YOrientedRectangle, IEdgeLabelLayoutModel, PreferredPlacementDescriptor)in ILabelLayoutFactoryCreates a new ILabelLayout for the given edge.
getLabelLayout (Edge)in LayoutGraphReturns the layout information for all labels associated with the given edge.
getEdgeLabelLayout (Object)in LayoutGraphAdapterReturns the layout information for all edge labels belonging to the given edge.

Method Parameters

getOwnerEdge (IEdgeLabelLayout)in CopiedLayoutGraphReturns the edge of the copied graph to which the given IEdgeLabelLayout belongs.
getOwnerEdge (IEdgeLabelLayout)in DefaultLayoutGraph
setLabelLayout (Edge, IEdgeLabelLayout)in DefaultLayoutGraphSpecifies the layout information for all associated labels of the given edge.
getLabelCandidates (IEdgeLabelLayout, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout)in DiscreteEdgeLabelLayoutModel
EdgeLabelCandidate (YPoint, YDimension, Object, IEdgeLabelLayout, boolean?)in EdgeLabelCandidateCreates a new instance of EdgeLabelCandidate described by location, size, model parameter and internal flag.
EdgeLabelCandidate (YOrientedRectangle, Object, IEdgeLabelLayout, boolean?)in EdgeLabelCandidateCreates a new instance of EdgeLabelCandidate described by its box, model parameter and internal flag.
ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidate (YPoint, YDimension, Object, IEdgeLabelLayout, ILabelCandidateDescriptor)in ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidateReturns a new instance of ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidate.
ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidate (YOrientedRectangle, Object, IEdgeLabelLayout, boolean, ILabelCandidateDescriptor)in ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidateReturns a new instance of ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidate.
ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidate (YPoint, YDimension, Object, IEdgeLabelLayout, boolean, ILabelCandidateDescriptor)in ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidateReturns a new instance of ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidate.
getLabelCandidates (IEdgeLabelLayout, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout)in FreeEdgeLabelLayoutModelReturns the EdgeLabelCandidate that describes the current label position.
getLabelCandidates (IEdgeLabelLayout, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout)in IEdgeLabelLayoutModelReturns all EdgeLabelCandidates that describe valid label positions within this model.
addLabelLayout (Edge, IEdgeLabelLayout)in ILabelLayoutFactoryAdds the given IEdgeLabelLayout to the given edge.
removeLabelLayout (Edge, IEdgeLabelLayout)in ILabelLayoutFactoryRemoves the given IEdgeLabelLayout from the given edge.
getOwnerEdge (IEdgeLabelLayout)in LayoutGraphReturns the edge to which the given IEdgeLabelLayout belongs.
createEdgeLabelCandidate (ILabel, ILabel, ILabelModelParameter, IEdgeLabelLayout)in LayoutGraphAdapterCreates the EdgeLabelCandidate for a given label and ILabelModelParameter combination.
getLabelCandidates (IEdgeLabelLayout, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout)in SliderEdgeLabelLayoutModelReturns all EdgeLabelCandidates that describe valid label positions within this model.
getEdgeLabelInfo (IEdgeLabelLayout)in IElementInfoManagerReturns the edge label information object of the given edge label layout.
addEdgeLabel (IEdgeLabelLayout, Edge)in LayoutContextAdds a label to a given edge.
getEdgeLabelInfo (IEdgeLabelLayout)in LayoutContext
removeEdgeLabel (IEdgeLabelLayout, Edge)in LayoutContextRemoves a label from a given edge.
getEdgeLabelInfo (IEdgeLabelLayout)in MultiPageLayoutResult