documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IDataMap

Method Return Values

create ()in IDataMapCreates an implementation of the interface IDataMap from the given definition.
createDataMap (IMap<Object,Object>)in MapsCreate a IDataMap view of the given map.
createHashedDataMap ()in MapsCreates a IDataMap that is based on hashing.
createDataMap (Class, Class, IMapper<K,V>)in YGraphAdapterCreates an IDataMap that delegates to the provided IMapper<K,V> when queried for items in the yGraph.

Method Parameters

createHighPerformanceDoubleMap (IDataMap, number)in MapsCreates a resettable high performance map for values of type double.
createHighPerformanceIntMap (IDataMap, number)in MapsCreates a resettable high performance map for values of type int.
createHighPerformanceMap (IDataMap, Object)in MapsCreates a resettable high performance map for values of type Object.
fillComparableMapFromGraph (Graph, IDataMap, IDataMap)in NormalizeGraphElementOrderStageAssigns comparable values for each node and edge.
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in AssistantNodePlacerDelegates the calculation of the child connectors to the LeftRightNodePlacer which arranges the assistant nodes.
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in BusNodePlacerDetermines connector directions depending on whether or not the child nodes are placed above or below the bus.
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in CompactNodePlacer
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in DelegatingNodePlacerDoes nothing.
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in DendrogramNodePlacerProvides NORTH for all children.
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in GroupedNodePlacerDelegates to the ITreeLayoutNodePlacer responsible for arranging the nodes in one group.
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in ITreeLayoutNodePlacerProvides the direction of the connector to the SubtreeShape for each child node.
preProcess (IDataMap, IDataMap, IDataMap)in IProcessorPerforms preparations for the actual tree layout in a pre-processing step.
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in LeafNodePlacerDoes nothing because leaf nodes don't have children so there are no child connectors.
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in LeftRightNodePlacerDetermines the direction of the child connectors according to which side of the bus the child is assigned.
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in NodePlacerBaseProvides the direction of the connector to the SubtreeShape for each child node.
determineChildConnectors (YNode, IDataMap)in RotatableNodePlacerBaseProvides the direction of the connector to the SubtreeShape for each child node.

Implementing Types

IEdgeMapProvides access to data associated with an edge.
INodeMapProvides access to data associated with a node.
DataMapAdapterAn adapter implementation that wraps an IMapper<K,V> to an IDataMap.