documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of ICursor

Method Return Values

concatenate (ICursor, ICursor)in CursorsCreates a new cursor that provides a logical view on the concatenation of the two given cursors.
createCursor (ICollection<T>)in CursorsCreates a cursor view of the given collection.
findAllPathsCursor (Graph, YNode, YNode, boolean)in PathAlgorithmA variant of findAllPaths, which returns all simple directed or undirected paths between two given nodes as a special cursor that calculates the next path in the sequence, only when needed.
kShortestPathsCursor (Graph, IDataProvider, YNode, YNode, number)in ShortestPathAlgorithmA variant of kShortestPaths that returns the result as a special cursor that calculates the next path in the sequence only when needed.
cursor ()in YListReturns a cursor for this list.
cursor ()in YPointPathGet the points in the path.

Method Parameters

concatenate (ICursor, ICursor)in CursorsCreates a new cursor that provides a logical view on the concatenation of the two given cursors.
toArray (ICursor, Object)in CursorsCreates or fills an array with the values provided by the cursor
Graph (Graph, ICursor?)in GraphInstantiates a new Graph object as a partial copy of the given graph.
hideItemCursor (ICursor)in GraphPartitionManagerHides the given elements from the graph.
hideItemCursor (ICursor)in LayoutGraphHiderHides the given elements from the graph.
YList (ICursor)in YListCreates a list that is initialized with the elements provided by the given YCursor object.
YList (ICursor, IDataProvider)in YListCreates a list that is initialized with those elements from the given YCursor object for which the given data provider returns true upon calling its getBool method.
addAll (ICursor)in YListAppends all elements provided by the given cursor to this list.
removeAtCursor (ICursor)in YListRemoves the element pointed to by the given YCursor object.
DefaultLayoutGraph (LayoutGraph, ICursor)in DefaultLayoutGraphCreates a new DefaultLayoutGraph instance which is a copy of the given subgraph.
LayoutGraph (LayoutGraph, ICursor)in LayoutGraphCreates a new LayoutGraph which is a copy of the given subgraph.

Implementing Types

IEdgeCursorA cursor interface for iterating over edges.
ILineSegmentCursorThis is an interface for a sequence of instances of LineSegment.
INodeCursorA cursor interface for iterating over nodes.
IPointCursorThis is an interface for a sequence of instances of YPoint.