documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IContextLookup


DEFAULT_BEND_LOOKUPin DefaultGraphGets an IContextLookup that provides the default implementations returned by an IBend's lookup.
DEFAULT_EDGE_LOOKUPin DefaultGraphGets an IContextLookup that provides the default implementations returned by an IEdge's lookup.
DEFAULT_LABEL_LOOKUPin DefaultGraphGets an IContextLookup that provides the default implementations returned by an ILabel's lookup.
DEFAULT_NODE_LOOKUPin DefaultGraphGets an IContextLookup that provides the default implementations returned by an INode's lookup.
DEFAULT_PORT_LOOKUPin DefaultGraphGets an IContextLookup that provides the default implementations returned by an IPort's lookup.
DEFAULT_COLUMN_LOOKUPin TableGets an IContextLookup that provides the default implementations returned by an IColumn's lookup.
DEFAULT_ROW_LOOKUPin TableGets an IContextLookup that provides the default implementations returned by an IRow's lookup.
DEFAULT_STRIPE_LOOKUPin TableGets an IContextLookup that provides the default implementations returned by an IStripe's lookup.
contextLookupin TemplateLabelStyleBaseGets or sets an implementation of IContextLookup that can be used to satisfy queries that are made to the implementation which is returned by calls to getContext that are made on the style renderer that is associated with this style instance.
contextLookupin TemplateNodeStyleBaseGets or sets an implementation of IContextLookup that can be used to satisfy queries that are made to the implementation which is returned by calls to getContext that are made on the style renderer that is associated with this style instance.
contextLookupin TemplatePortStyleBaseGets or sets an implementation of IContextLookup that can be used to satisfy queries that are made to the implementation which is returned by calls to getContext that are made on the style renderer that is associated with this style instance.
contextLookupin TemplateStripeStyleBaseGets or sets an implementation of IContextLookup that can be used to satisfy queries that are made to the implementation which is returned by calls to getContext that are made on the style renderer that is associated with this style instance.


EMPTY_CONTEXT_LOOKUPin IContextLookupAn ILookupContext instance that always returns null.

Method Return Values

create (function(any, Class):any)in IContextLookupCreates an implementation of the interface IContextLookup by using the given function as implementation for its contextLookup method.
getContextLookup (TemplateNodeStyleBase)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererGets the context by delegating to contextLookup.
getContextLookup (TemplateStripeStyleBase)in TemplateStripeStyleRendererGets the context by delegating to contextLookup.

Method Parameters

setNext (IContextLookup)in IContextLookupChainLinkThis method is called by the framework to register the fallback lookup implementation that should be used during a call to contextLookup.
StringTemplateLabelStyle (string?, TemplateLabelStyleRenderer?, )in StringTemplateLabelStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer.
StringTemplateNodeStyle (string?, TemplateNodeStyleRenderer?, )in StringTemplateNodeStyleCreates a new instance using the given SVG template and a custom renderer instance.
StringTemplatePortStyle (string?, TemplatePortStyleRenderer?, )in StringTemplatePortStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer.
StringTemplateStripeStyle (string?, TemplateStripeStyleRenderer?, )in StringTemplateStripeStyleCreates a new instance using the given SVG template and a custom renderer instance.
TemplateLabelStyle (string?, TemplateLabelStyleRenderer?, )in TemplateLabelStyleCreates a new instance using the given render template id and a custom renderer instance.
TemplateNodeStyle (string?, TemplateNodeStyleRenderer?, )in TemplateNodeStyleCreates a new instance using the given render template id and a custom renderer instance.
TemplatePortStyle (string?, TemplatePortStyleRenderer?, )in TemplatePortStyleCreates a new instance using the given render template id and a custom renderer instance.

Implementing Types

IContextLookupChainLinkAn interface for instances that can be used to chain lookup operations.
LookupChainAn implementation of a chain of IContextLookupChainLinks.