documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of ICollection


keysin IMapA ICollection<T> of the keys of this dictionary.
valuesin IMapA ICollection<T> of the values of this dictionary.
keysin HashMap
valuesin HashMap
itemsin ObservableCollectionGets the collection used internally as the backing store.
sourcePortCandidatesin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their source port candidates.
targetPortCandidatesin HierarchicLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their target port candidates.
sourcePortCandidatesin IEdgeDataGets the collection of PortCandidates for the source port of the Edge associated with this IEdgeData instance.
targetPortCandidatesin IEdgeDataGets the collection of PortCandidates for the target port of the Edge associated with this IEdgeData instance.
availableCommandsin GraphInputModeGets a collection of commands that this input mode will handle.
fixedNodesin GraphSnapContextGets the nodes that stay fixed for the current edit.
availableCommandsin NavigationInputModeGets the list of commands that are available in this instance.
availableCommandsin OverviewInputModeGets the list of commands that are available in this instance.
itemsin CompositeLayoutDataGets or sets a collection of composed layout data objects.
itemsin ItemCollectionGets or sets a collection of items.
sourcePortCandidatesin PartitionLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their source port candidates.
targetPortCandidatesin PartitionLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their target port candidates.
sourcePortCandidatesin PortPlacementStageDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their source port candidates.
targetPortCandidatesin PortPlacementStageDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their target port candidates.
sourcePortCandidatesin RecursiveGroupLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their source port candidates.
targetPortCandidatesin RecursiveGroupLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their target port candidates.
sourcePortCandidatesin ClearAreaLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their source port candidates.
targetPortCandidatesin ClearAreaLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their target port candidates.
sourcePortCandidatesin PartialLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their source port candidates.
targetPortCandidatesin PartialLayoutDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their target port candidates.
sourcePortCandidatesin BusRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their source port candidates.
targetPortCandidatesin BusRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their target port candidates.
sourcePortCandidatesin ChannelEdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their source port candidates.
targetPortCandidatesin ChannelEdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their target port candidates.
sourcePortCandidatesin EdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their source port candidates.
targetPortCandidatesin EdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their target port candidates.
sourcePortCandidatesin OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their source port candidates.
targetPortCandidatesin OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterDataGets or sets a mapping from edges to a collection of their target port candidates.
routedParallelEdgesin ParallelEdgeRouterDataGets or sets the edge collection that after the layout run will contain all parallel edges that were routed and not treated as leading edges.
sourcePortCandidatesin PathRequestGets the source PortCandidates associated with this path request and describing how the path must connect to the source obstacle.
targetPortCandidatesin PathRequestGets the target PortCandidates associated with this path request and describing how the path must connect to the target obstacle.


SOURCE_PORT_CANDIDATE_COLLECTION_DP_KEYin PortCandidateA data provider key for specifying source port candidates for each edge.
TARGET_PORT_CANDIDATE_COLLECTION_DP_KEYin PortCandidateA data provider key for specifying target port candidates for each edge.

Method Return Values

createHashSet (IEnumerable<T>?)in MapsFactory method that creates an ICollection<T> implementation with set semantics that is a special hash map based implementation mainly used by the layout algorithms.
from (ICollection<T>)in ICollectionCreates a ICollection<T> instance from the given object by performing automatic type conversion.

Method Parameters

createCursor (ICollection<T>)in CursorsCreates a cursor view of the given collection.
createEdgeCursor (ICollection<T>)in CursorsCreates a cursor view of the given collection.
createNodeCursor (ICollection<T>)in CursorsCreates a cursor view of the given collection.
createHashMap (ICollection<MapEntry<K,V>>?)in MapsFactory method that creates a IMap<TKey,TValue> that is a special hash map implementation mainly used by the layout algorithms.
addAll (ICollection<Object>)in YListAppends all elements provided by the given collection to this list.
addAll (number, ICollection<Object>)in YListAdds all elements provided by the given collection to this list at the specified position.
containsAll (ICollection<Object>)in YListWhether or not this list contains all the elements in the given collection.
removeAll (ICollection<Object>)in YListRemoves the given collection of objects from this list.
retainAll (ICollection<Object>)in YListRetains only those elements in this list which are contained in the given collection.
copyTo (ICollection<T>)in ResultItemCollectionCopies the contents of this collection to another collection.
from (ICollection<T>)in ICollectionCreates a ICollection<T> instance from the given object by performing automatic type conversion.
ObservableCollection (ICollection<T>?)in ObservableCollectionCreates a new instance using a provided collection as the backing store.
HierarchicLayoutData ()in HierarchicLayoutDataCreates a new instance of HierarchicLayoutData which helps configuring HierarchicLayout.
CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs (IInputModeContext, ICollection<OrthogonalSnapLine>, ICollection<OrthogonalSnapLine>, ICollection<OrthogonalSnapLine>, ICollection<OrthogonalSnapLine>)in CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the CollectGraphSnapLinesEventArgs class.
CollectLabelSnapLineEventArgs (IInputModeContext, ICollection<SnapLine>)in CollectLabelSnapLineEventArgsCreates a new instance of this class.
CollectSnapResultsEventArgs (IInputModeContext, Point, Point, number, number, ICollection<SnapResult>)in CollectSnapResultsEventArgsCreates a new instance of the event arguments using the provided values for initialization.
ItemCollection (ICollection<TItem>, ItemCollection<TItem>?)in ItemCollectionConstructor overload that directly sets the items that hold the items are contained in this instance.
createCellSpanId (ICollection<Object>, ICollection<Object>)in PartitionGridCreates a partition cell identifier that represents a multi-cell spanning multiple columns and rows.
PartitionLayoutData ()in PartitionLayoutDataCreates a new instance of PartitionLayoutData which helps configuring PartitionLayout.
PortPlacementStageData ()in PortPlacementStageDataCreates a new instance of PortPlacementStageData which helps configuring the PortPlacementStage.
RecursiveGroupLayoutData ()in RecursiveGroupLayoutDataCreates a new instance of RecursiveGroupLayoutData which helps configuring RecursiveGroupLayout.
appendLayouts (ICollection<ILayoutAlgorithm>)in SequentialLayoutAppends the specified list of layout algorithms to the end of the chain.
ClearAreaLayoutData ()in ClearAreaLayoutDataCreates a new instance of ClearAreaLayoutData.
PartialLayoutData ()in PartialLayoutDataCreates a new instance of PartialLayoutData which helps configuring PartialLayout.
BusRouterData ()in BusRouterDataCreates a new instance of BusRouterData which helps configuring BusRouter.
ChannelEdgeRouterData ()in ChannelEdgeRouterDataCreates a new instance of ChannelEdgeRouterData which helps configuring ChannelEdgeRouter.
EdgeRouterData ()in EdgeRouterDataCreates a new instance of EdgeRouterData which helps configuring EdgeRouter.
OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterData ()in OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterDataCreates a new instance of OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterData which helps configuring OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouter.
ParallelEdgeRouterData ()in ParallelEdgeRouterDataCreates a new instance of ParallelEdgeRouterData which helps configuring ParallelEdgeRouter.

Implementing Types

IListA read-write list- or array-like collection of objects of the same type.
IMapA collection of value objects which are mapped to key objects and can be queried using their keys.
IObservableCollectionThe interface for a collection that will notify registered event handlers of changes to its contents.
HashMapThe default implementation for IMap<TKey,TValue>.