documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of IArrow


sourceArrowin ArcEdgeStyleGets or sets the visual arrow at the source end of edges that use this style.
targetArrowin ArcEdgeStyleGets or sets the visual arrow at the target end of edges that use this style.
sourceArrowin BezierEdgeStyleGets or sets the visual arrow at the source end of edges that use this style.
targetArrowin BezierEdgeStyleGets or sets the visual arrow at the target end of edges that use this style.
sourceArrowin BridgeEdgeStyleGets or sets the visual arrow at the source end of edges that use this style.
targetArrowin BridgeEdgeStyleGets or sets the visual arrow at the target end of edges that use this style.
CIRCLEin IArrowA singleton IArrow instance that paints a circle-shaped black arrow.
CROSSin IArrowA singleton IArrow instance that paints a cross-shaped black arrow.
DEFAULTin IArrowA singleton IArrow instance that paints a black arrow.
DIAMONDin IArrowA singleton IArrow instance that paints a diamond-shaped black arrow.
SHORTin IArrowA singleton IArrow instance that paints a short black arrow.
SIMPLEin IArrowA singleton IArrow instance that paints a simple black arrow.
TRIANGLEin IArrowA singleton IArrow instance that paints a triangle-shaped black arrow.
sourceArrowin PolylineEdgeStyleGets or sets the visual arrow at the source end of edges that use this style.
targetArrowin PolylineEdgeStyleGets or sets the visual arrow at the target end of edges that use this style.


NONEin IArrowA singleton IArrow instance that paints no arrow at all.

Method Return Values

getSourceArrow ()in ArcEdgeStyleRendererGets the source arrow from the style via sourceArrow.
getTargetArrow ()in ArcEdgeStyleRendererGets the target arrow from the style via targetArrow.
asFrozen ()in ArrowReturns an immutable IArrow instance that uses the current properties.
getSourceArrow ()in BezierEdgeStyleRenderer
getTargetArrow ()in BezierEdgeStyleRenderer
getSourceArrow ()in BridgeEdgeStyleRendererGets the source arrow from the style via sourceArrow.
getTargetArrow ()in BridgeEdgeStyleRendererGets the target arrow from the style via targetArrow.
getSourceArrow ()in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererGets the source arrow from the style.
getTargetArrow ()in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererGets the target arrow from the style.
getSourceArrow ()in PolylineEdgeStyleRendererGets the source arrow from the style via sourceArrow.
getTargetArrow ()in PolylineEdgeStyleRendererGets the target arrow from the style via targetArrow.

Method Parameters

ArcEdgeStyle ()in ArcEdgeStyleCreates a new instance using ArcEdgeStyleRenderer as renderer.
ArcEdgeStyle (ArcEdgeStyleRenderer, )in ArcEdgeStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer.
BezierEdgeStyle ()in BezierEdgeStyleCreates a new instance using BezierEdgeStyleRenderer as renderer.
BezierEdgeStyle (BezierEdgeStyleRenderer, )in BezierEdgeStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer.
BridgeEdgeStyle ()in BridgeEdgeStyleCreates a new instance using BridgeEdgeStyleRenderer as renderer.
BridgeEdgeStyle (BridgeEdgeStyleRenderer, )in BridgeEdgeStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer.
calculateTotalCropLength (IArrow, boolean)in DefaultEdgePathCropperCalculates the total length the edge path is cropped.
cropEdgePath (IEdge, boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath)in DefaultEdgePathCropperCrops the provided path at one end of an edge.
cropEdgePathAtArrow (boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath)in DefaultEdgePathCropperCrops an edge's path at the source or target side with respect to the given arrow.
cropEdgePathAtPortGeometry (IEdge, boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath)in DefaultEdgePathCropperCrops an edge's path at the source or target side at the port geometry with respect to the given arrow.
handleEmptyPath (IEdge, boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath)in DefaultEdgePathCropperHandles the edge path cropping if cropEdgePath would result in a cleared path.
addArrows (IRenderContext, SVGGElement, IEdge, GeneralPath, IArrow, IArrow)in EdgeStyleBaseAdds the arrows to a given container.
cropPath (IEdge, IArrow, IArrow, GeneralPath)in EdgeStyleBaseCrops the edge's path at the nodes.
getSourceArrowAnchor (GeneralPath, IArrow)in EdgeStyleBaseCalculates the source arrow anchor and direction for a a given arrow and path.
getTargetArrowAnchor (GeneralPath, IArrow)in EdgeStyleBaseCalculates the target arrow anchor and direction for a a given arrow and path.
updateArrows (IRenderContext, SVGGElement, IEdge, GeneralPath, IArrow, IArrow)in EdgeStyleBaseUpdates the arrows in a given container.
create (function(IEdge, boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath):GeneralPath)in IEdgePathCropperCreates an implementation of the interface IEdgePathCropper by using the given function as implementation for its cropEdgePath method.
cropEdgePath (IEdge, boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath)in IEdgePathCropperCrops the provided path at one end of an edge.
getSourceArrowAnchor (IArrow)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererCalculate and update the anchor and the source arrow's direction vector.
getTargetArrowAnchor (IArrow)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererCalculate and update the anchor and the target arrow's direction vector.
PolylineEdgeStyle ()in PolylineEdgeStyleCreates a new instance using PolylineEdgeStyleRenderer as renderer.
PolylineEdgeStyle (PolylineEdgeStyleRenderer, )in PolylineEdgeStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer.

Implementing Types

ArrowA default implementation of the IArrow interface that can render ArrowTypes.