documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of GraphItemTypes


independentItemsin IntersectionsGets or sets the type of items that are considered independently of their owning element when calculating the IntersectionsResult.
copyItemsin GraphClipboardGets or sets the type of items that can be copied and pasted at all using the clipboard.
dependentCopyItemsin GraphClipboardGets or sets the type of items that depend on other elements but should automatically be copied implicitly to the clipboard if all elements that it depends on are explicitly selected for copying.
independentCopyItemsin GraphClipboardGets or sets the type of items that can be copied and pasted independently of their owning element.
deletableItemsin GraphEditorInputModeGets or sets which types of items may be deleted using the deleteSelection action.
labelEditableItemsin GraphEditorInputModeGets or sets which types of items may have their labels edited.
movableItemsin GraphEditorInputModeGets or sets which types of items should be movable using the moveInputMode or moveLabelInputMode respectively in case of labels.
pasteSelectableItemsin GraphEditorInputModeGets or sets which types of items should be selected after paste or duplicateSelection.
showHandleItemsin GraphEditorInputModeGets or sets which types of items should have their IHandles shown.
clickableItemsin GraphInputModeGets or sets which types of items should be reported through the item click events.
clickHitTestOrderin GraphInputModeGets or sets the order of the types of items that should be used to determine what item has been clicked or tapped.
clickSelectableItemsin GraphInputModeGets or sets which types of items should be selectable by mouse clicks.
contextMenuItemsin GraphInputModeGets or sets the types of items a context menu should be queried for.
doubleClickHitTestOrderin GraphInputModeGets or sets the order of the types of items that should be used to determine what item has been double-clicked or double-tapped.
focusableItemsin GraphInputModeGets or sets the items that can be given focus via the setCurrentItem method.
marqueeSelectableItemsin GraphInputModeGets or sets which types of items should be selected during marquee selections or lasso selection.
selectableItemsin GraphInputModeGets or sets which types of items should be selectable at all.
toolTipItemsin GraphInputModeGets or sets the types of the items that should be queried a tool tip for.
hoverItemsin ItemHoverInputModeGets or sets which graph items are considered by this input mode.
navigableItemsin NavigationInputModeGets or sets the item types that can be navigated to by this mode.
selectableItemsin NavigationInputModeGets the types of the items that should be selectable by this instance.

Method Return Values

from (GraphItemTypes)in GraphItemTypesConverts the argument to GraphItemTypes.
getItemType (IModelItem)in GraphItemTypesGets the type of the item.
getItemTypes (IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in GraphItemTypesDetermines the types of the items contained in the collection of items.

Method Parameters

Intersections ()in IntersectionsCreates a new Intersections instance with default settings.
GraphClipboard ()in GraphClipboardCreates a new initially empty clipboard.
enumerableContainsTypes (GraphItemTypes, IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in GraphItemTypesDetermines whether the specified items collection contains any of the types described by types.
enumerableNotContainsTypes (GraphItemTypes, IEnumerable<IModelItem>)in GraphItemTypesDetermines whether the specified items collection contains none of the types described by types.
from (GraphItemTypes)in GraphItemTypesConverts the argument to GraphItemTypes.
itemIsOfTypes (GraphItemTypes, IModelItem)in GraphItemTypesDetermines whether the item is of the specified types.
GraphEditorInputMode ()in GraphEditorInputModeCreates a new instance that is not bound to an existing graph or selection, initially.
findItems (Point, GraphItemTypes, function(IModelItem):boolean?)in GraphInputModeUsed as a callback to find the items hit underneath a certain point.
findItems (IInputModeContext, Point, GraphItemTypes, function(IModelItem):boolean?)in GraphInputModeUsed as a callback to find the items hit underneath a certain point.
GraphViewerInputMode ()in GraphViewerInputModeInitializes a new instance of the GraphViewerInputMode class.
ItemHoverInputMode ()in ItemHoverInputModeInitializes a new instance of the ItemHoverInputMode class.
NavigationInputMode ()in NavigationInputModeInitializes a new instance of the NavigationInputMode class.