documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of GeneralPath


selectionPathin LassoSelectionEventArgsGets the current lasso selection path of the LassoSelectionInputMode.
selectionPathin LassoSelectionInputModeGets the current or last selection path.
pathin MarqueeSelectionEventArgsGets the current selection as a path of the MarqueeSelectionInputMode.
selectionPathin MarqueeSelectionInputModeGets the current or last marquee selection in world coordinates as a path.
pathin GeneralPathNodeStyleGet or sets the path that defines the boundary of the shape.
normalizedOutlinein ImageNodeStyleGets or sets the normalized outline of the image that will be displayed.
normalizedOutlinein TemplateLabelStyleBaseGets or sets the normalized outline of a label that will be displayed using the created visual.
normalizedOutlinein TemplateNodeStyleBaseGets or sets the normalized outline of a node that will be displayed using the created visual.
normalizedOutlinein TemplatePortStyleBaseGets or sets a path that specifies the normalized outline of a port that will be displayed using the created visual.
normalizedOutlinein WebGLImageNodeStyleGets or sets the normalized outline of the image that will be displayed.


pathin PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererThe path instance that this instance is working with.

Method Return Values

createSmoothedPath (number, SmoothingPolicy?, boolean?)in GeneralPathCreates a new path based on this one where corners are smoothed with a quadratic Bézier arc starting at smoothingLength away from the corner.
createTransformedPath (Matrix)in GeneralPathCreates a new GeneralPath that is a copy of this path with all geometry transformed using the supplied matrix.
flatten (number)in GeneralPathCreates a new path from this instance flattening all Bézier curves using the given epsilon.
createPath ()in ArcEdgeStyleRenderer
cropPath (GeneralPath)in ArcEdgeStyleRenderer
getOutline ()in ArrowNodeStyleRenderer
getOutline ()in BevelNodeStyleRenderer
createPath ()in BezierEdgeStyleRendererConverts the edge bends into a cubic bezier path.
createPath ()in BridgeEdgeStyleRenderer
getOutline ()in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRendererDelegates to the getWrappedStyle.
cropEdgePath (IEdge, boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath)in DefaultEdgePathCropperCrops the provided path at one end of an edge.
cropEdgePathAtArrow (boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath)in DefaultEdgePathCropperCrops an edge's path at the source or target side with respect to the given arrow.
cropEdgePathAtPortGeometry (IEdge, boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath)in DefaultEdgePathCropperCrops an edge's path at the source or target side at the port geometry with respect to the given arrow.
handleEmptyPath (IEdge, boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath)in DefaultEdgePathCropperHandles the edge path cropping if cropEdgePath would result in a cleared path.
getTextWrappingOutline ()in DefaultLabelStyleRendererReturns a convex GeneralPath describing the area of the textWrappingShape for the current label or null if the label's rectangular bounds should be used.
cropPath (IEdge, IArrow, IArrow, GeneralPath)in EdgeStyleBaseCrops the edge's path at the nodes.
getPath (IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseGets the path of the edge.
getOutline ()in GeneralPathNodeStyleRenderer
getOutline ()in GroupNodeStyleRenderer
cropEdgePath (IEdge, boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath)in IEdgePathCropperCrops the provided path at one end of an edge.
getPath ()in IPathGeometryReturns a representation of the visible path of the edge in form of a GeneralPath
getOutline ()in IShapeGeometryReturns the outline of the shape or null.
getOutline ()in ImageNodeStyleRendererTries to use the normalizedOutline to create the outline shape path, otherwise reverts to default (rectangular) behavior.
getOutline (INode)in NodeStyleBaseGets the outline of the visual style.
getOutline ()in PanelNodeStyleRendererReturns the outline of the shape using the node's layout.
createPath ()in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererThis method should create the basic uncropped path given the control points.
createRectangleSelfLoop (number, number, number, number, number, number)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererCreates a rectangular self loop path.
createRectangleSelfLoop (number)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererCreates a rectangular self loop path.
createRoundSelfLoop (number, number, number, number, number, number)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererCreates a round self loop path.
createSelfLoopPath (boolean)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererSpecial implementation that will create a self loop path.
cropPath (GeneralPath)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererCrops the edge's path at the nodes.
getObstacles (IRenderContext)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererReturns createPath unless isVisible yields false for the provided context and clip.
getPath ()in PathBasedEdgeStyleRenderer
createPath ()in PolylineEdgeStyleRenderer
getOutline ()in RectangleNodeStyleRenderer
getOutline ()in ShapeNodeStyleRenderer
getOutline ()in ShinyPlateNodeStyleRenderer
getOutline ()in TableNodeStyleRenderer
getNormalizedOutline (TemplateLabelStyleBase)in TemplateLabelStyleRendererGets the normalized outline by delegating to normalizedOutline.
getNormalizedOutline (TemplateNodeStyleBase)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererGets the normalized outline by delegating to normalizedOutline.
getOutline ()in TemplateNodeStyleRendererTries to use the outline shape to create the outline shape path, otherwise reverts to default (rectangular) behavior.
getNormalizedOutline (TemplatePortStyleBase)in TemplatePortStyleRendererGets the normalized outline by delegating to normalizedOutline.
getPath ()in VoidPathGeometry
getOutline ()in VoidShapeGeometryThis implementation returns an empty path.
addBridges (IRenderContext, GeneralPath, IBridgeCreator?)in BridgeManagerCore method that will add bridges to a GeneralPath using the IBridgeCreator callback to determine the type of the bridges.
getObstacles (IRenderContext)in GraphObstacleProviderIterates over all edges and nodes to query an IObstacleProvider from the IModelItem's lookup.
getObstacles (IRenderContext)in IObstacleProviderReturns a path representing obstacles that would need bridges.

Method Parameters

append (GeneralPath, boolean)in GeneralPathAppends the contents of the given path to this path.
append (GeneralPath, number, number, boolean)in GeneralPathAppends parts of the contents of the given path to this path.
areaIntersects (GeneralPath, number?)in GeneralPathDetermines whether the area formed by this instance intersects with the area formed by the given path instance.
hasSameValue (GeneralPath)in GeneralPathDetermines whether a given GeneralPath instance can be considered equivalent to this one, that is, both represent the same path with the same sub-path types and coordinates.
intersects (GeneralPath, number?)in GeneralPathDetermines whether this path's stroked segments intersects with a given path.
prepend (GeneralPath, boolean)in GeneralPathAdds the contents of the given path to the beginning of this path.
lassoSelect (GeneralPath)in GraphInputModePerforms lasso-selection with the given path.
onLassoSelect (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in GraphInputModePerforms lasso-selection with the given path.
onLassoSelectItems (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath, IEnumerable<IModelItem>, function(IModelItem):boolean)in GraphInputModeSelects the given elements in the editor inside the provided lasso-selection path.
create (function(IInputModeContext, GeneralPath):boolean)in ILassoTestableCreates an implementation of the interface ILassoTestable by using the given function as implementation for its isInPath method.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in ILassoTestableReturns true if the corresponding item is considered to intersect the given path.
cropPath (GeneralPath)in ArcEdgeStyleRenderer
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in ArrowNodeStyleRenderer
cropEdgePath (IEdge, boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath)in DefaultEdgePathCropperCrops the provided path at one end of an edge.
cropEdgePathAtArrow (boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath)in DefaultEdgePathCropperCrops an edge's path at the source or target side with respect to the given arrow.
cropEdgePathAtPortGeometry (IEdge, boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath)in DefaultEdgePathCropperCrops an edge's path at the source or target side at the port geometry with respect to the given arrow.
handleEmptyPath (IEdge, boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath)in DefaultEdgePathCropperHandles the edge path cropping if cropEdgePath would result in a cleared path.
addArrows (IRenderContext, SVGGElement, IEdge, GeneralPath, IArrow, IArrow)in EdgeStyleBaseAdds the arrows to a given container.
cropPath (IEdge, IArrow, IArrow, GeneralPath)in EdgeStyleBaseCrops the edge's path at the nodes.
getSourceArrowAnchor (GeneralPath, IArrow)in EdgeStyleBaseCalculates the source arrow anchor and direction for a a given arrow and path.
getTargetArrowAnchor (GeneralPath, IArrow)in EdgeStyleBaseCalculates the target arrow anchor and direction for a a given arrow and path.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath, IEdge)in EdgeStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified edge is included in the lasso selection.
updateArrows (IRenderContext, SVGGElement, IEdge, GeneralPath, IArrow, IArrow)in EdgeStyleBaseUpdates the arrows in a given container.
GeneralPathNodeStyle (GeneralPath?, GeneralPathNodeStyleRenderer?, )in GeneralPathNodeStyleCreates a new instance using the specified path and a custom renderer instance.
createAspectRatioInstance (GeneralPath)in GeneralPathNodeStyleCreates a new GeneralPathNodeStyle instance for a copy of the given path.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in GeneralPathNodeStyleRenderer
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in GroupNodeStyleRendererTests the node using the current style for an intersection with the the given path.
create (function(IEdge, boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath):GeneralPath)in IEdgePathCropperCreates an implementation of the interface IEdgePathCropper by using the given function as implementation for its cropEdgePath method.
cropEdgePath (IEdge, boolean, IArrow, GeneralPath)in IEdgePathCropperCrops the provided path at one end of an edge.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in IconLabelStyleRenderer
ImageNodeStyle (string?, string?, ImageNodeStyleRenderer?, )in ImageNodeStyleCreates a new instance that uses the specified image URL, fallback image URL and the given renderer instance.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in ImageNodeStyleRendererTries to use the normalizedOutline to perform the lasso intersection analysis, otherwise reverts to default (rectangular) behavior.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath, ILabel)in LabelStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified label is included in the lasso selection.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath, INode)in NodeStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified node is included in the lasso selection.
cropPath (GeneralPath)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererCrops the edge's path at the nodes.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRenderer
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath, IPort)in PortStyleBaseDetermines whether the visualization for the specified port is included in the lasso selection.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in ShapeNodeStyleRenderer
StringTemplateLabelStyle (string?, TemplateLabelStyleRenderer?, )in StringTemplateLabelStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer.
StringTemplateNodeStyle (string?, TemplateNodeStyleRenderer?, )in StringTemplateNodeStyleCreates a new instance using the given SVG template and a custom renderer instance.
StringTemplatePortStyle (string?, TemplatePortStyleRenderer?, )in StringTemplatePortStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer.
TemplateLabelStyle (string?, TemplateLabelStyleRenderer?, )in TemplateLabelStyleCreates a new instance using the given render template id and a custom renderer instance.
TemplateNodeStyle (string?, TemplateNodeStyleRenderer?, )in TemplateNodeStyleCreates a new instance using the given render template id and a custom renderer instance.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in TemplateNodeStyleRendererTries to use the outline shape to perform the lasso intersection analysis, otherwise reverts to default (rectangular) behavior.
TemplatePortStyle (string?, TemplatePortStyleRenderer?, )in TemplatePortStyleCreates a new instance using the given render template id and a custom renderer instance.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in TemplatePortStyleRenderer
addText (SVGGElement | SVGTextElement, string, Font, Size?, TextWrapping?, TextMeasurePolicy?, boolean?, GeneralPath?)in TextRenderSupportAdd the text content to the provided SVG text element.
WebGLImageNodeStyle (string?, )in WebGLImageNodeStyleCreates a new instance that uses the specified image.
addBridges (IRenderContext, GeneralPath, IBridgeCreator?)in BridgeManagerCore method that will add bridges to a GeneralPath using the IBridgeCreator callback to determine the type of the bridges.
insertDefaultCustomBridge (IRenderContext, GeneralPath, Point, Point, number)in BridgeManagerImplementation that will be called by the default value of the defaultBridgeCreator to satisfy requests to createCustomBridge.
registerObstacle (IRenderContext, GeneralPath)in BridgeManagerDynamically registers an obstacle path with the context during the rendering.
isInPath (IInputModeContext, GeneralPath)in DefaultPortCandidateDescriptor
createPathAnimation (GeneralPath, IMutablePoint, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new instance of an IAnimation that animates the given IMutablePoint along a path.
create ()in IBridgeCreatorCreates an implementation of the interface IBridgeCreator from the given definition.
createCustomBridge (IRenderContext, GeneralPath, Point, Point, number)in IBridgeCreatorCalled by the BridgeManager if the getCrossingStyle method yields CUSTOM to actually insert a bridge into the given GeneralPath.