documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of EdgeRouterPath


foundPathin PathRequestGets the path that was found for this path request.

Method Return Values

getFinalizedPath (Edge)in PathSearchReturns the path for the given edge if it has already been finalized.
getPath (Edge)in PathSearchResultReturns the previously registered path found for the edge.

Method Parameters

EdgeInfo (Edge, EdgeRouterPath, PathSearchConfiguration)in EdgeInfoCreates a new EdgeInfo instance.
finalizePath (EdgeRouterPath)in PathSearchInforms all registered path search extensions about completing a path by calling their finalizePath(Path) method.
finalizePath (EdgeRouterPath)in PathSearchExtensionAfter finding a valid target entrance and creating a EdgeRouterPath, the extension is notified of the found path.
setPath (Edge, EdgeRouterPath)in PathSearchResultSpecifies a found path for an edge.