documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


defaultEdgeLayoutDescriptorin EdgeRouterGets the EdgeRouterEdgeLayoutDescriptor instance used for all those edges that do not have a specific edge layout descriptor assigned.
edgeLayoutDescriptorsin EdgeRouterDataGets or sets the mapping of edges to their EdgeRouterEdgeLayoutDescriptor
descriptorin PathRequestGets the EdgeRouterEdgeLayoutDescriptor that describes routing settings for this path request.
currentEdgeLayoutDescriptorin PathSearchContextGets the EdgeRouterEdgeLayoutDescriptor for the current edge containing edge specific settings for the path search.


EDGE_LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR_DP_KEYin EdgeRouterA data provider key for specifying individual edge layout information.

Method Return Values

createCopy ()in EdgeRouterEdgeLayoutDescriptorCreates a copy of this EdgeRouterEdgeLayoutDescriptor instance.
getEdgeLayoutDescriptor (Edge)in EdgeRouterReturns the EdgeRouterEdgeLayoutDescriptor instance for a given edge that is provided by a IDataProvider which is registered with the graph with key EDGE_LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR_DP_KEY.

Method Parameters

EdgeRouterData ()in EdgeRouterDataCreates a new instance of EdgeRouterData which helps configuring EdgeRouter.