documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of DpKeyBase


dpKeyin DpKeyItemCollectionGets or sets the data provider key that is used for the item collection.

Method Parameters

equalsCore (DpKeyBase<TValue>)in DpKeyBaseReturns whether this key is equal to the specified other.

Extending Types

EdgeDpKeyThis class is used as look-up key for registering IDataProvider for Edges with a Graph.
GraphDpKeyThis class is used as look-up key for registering IDataProvider for the Graph itself with a graph.
GraphObjectDpKeyThis class is used as look-up key for registering IDataProvider for GraphObjects with a Graph.
ILabelLayoutDpKeyThis class is used as look-up key for registering IDataProvider for ILabelLayouts with a Graph.
NodeDpKeyThis class is used as look-up key for registering IDataProvider for YNodes with a Graph.