documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of Dart


facein DartGets the face list associated with this dart.
oppositeDartin DartGets the opposite dart.
outerFacein PlanarEmbeddingGets the IList<T> that represents the outer face.

Method Return Values

getCyclicNext (Dart)in PlanarEmbeddingReturns the cyclic next dart of the given dart.
getCyclicPrevious (Dart)in PlanarEmbeddingReturns the cyclic previous dart of the given dart.
getDarts (Edge)in PlanarEmbeddingReturns the two darts associated with the given edge.
getOutgoingDarts (YNode)in PlanarEmbeddingReturns a IList<T> containing the (cyclic ordered) outgoing darts of the specified node.

Method Parameters

getCyclicNext (Dart)in PlanarEmbeddingReturns the cyclic next dart of the given dart.
getCyclicPrevious (Dart)in PlanarEmbeddingReturns the cyclic previous dart of the given dart.