

layout morphing, Layout Morphing
automatic layout (see layout algorithms)
automatic layout calculation
class CopiedLayoutIGraph, Class CopiedLayoutIGraph
different graph models, Connecting Graph Models


BFS (see breadth-first search)
breadth-first search (BFS), Breadth-First Search
bus-style edge routing (see constraints)


centrality measures, Centrality Measures
of common graph structure tasks, Complexity
edge ports, Port Constraints
edge/port groups, Edge/Port Grouping (Bus-Style Edge Routing)
port candidate sets for nodes, Port Candidates
port candidates with edges, Port Candidates
a Graph instance, Copying a Graph
a LayoutGraph implementation, Copying a LayoutGraph
generic mechanism for copying a graph structure, Copying a Graph
cursor, Iteration Mechanisms
concept, Accessing Graph Elements


data accessors
concept, Binding Data to Graph Elements, Binding Data to Graph Elements
customized, Creating Customized Data Accessors
default map implementations, Default Map Implementations
definition, Binding Data to Graph Elements
index-based map implementations, Index-Based Map Implementations
data provider, Binding Data to Graph Elements, Maps and Data Providers
registration using well-known look-up keys, Providing Supplemental Layout Data
depth-first search (DFS), Depth-First Search
DFS (see depth-first search)


class Edge
creating an instance, Creating Graphs and Graph Elements, More About Class Graph
provided functionality, Class Edge
(see also graph elements)
definition, Basic Algorithms Graph Structure
routing (see routing algorithms)
edge groups (see constraints)


class Graph
creating an instance, Creating Graphs and Graph Elements
provided functionality, More About Class Graph
copying a Graph instance, Copying a Graph
copying a LayoutGraph implementation, Copying a LayoutGraph
definition, Basic Algorithms Graph Structure
generic mechanism for copying a graph structure, Copying a Graph
grouped, Grouped Graphs
layout information, Graph Structure Enhancements
positional and dimensional information, Positional and Dimensional Information
undirected interpretation, Basic Algorithms Graph Structure
graph analysis
class YGraphAdapter, Class YGraphAdapter
graph elements
binding data to, Binding Data to Graph Elements, Binding Data to Graph Elements, Binding Data to Graph Elements
creating, Creating Graphs and Graph Elements
hiding, More About Class Graph, Hiding Graph Elements
removing, More About Class Graph
subclassing, A Word on Subclassing Graph Elements
group node
layout policies, Grouped Graphs
grouping, Grouped Graphs


incoming, Basic Algorithms Graph Structure, Class Node
forward and backward, Iteration Mechanisms
low-level, Low-Level Features
non-cursor, Alternative Iteration Techniques
using cursors, Iteration Mechanisms
removing elements, Iteration and Element Removal


automatic placement, Automatic Label Placement
different scenarios, Labeling Scenarios
generic labeling, Generic Labeling
integrated labeling, Integrated Labeling
label model, Label Models
candidate positions, Label Models
model parameter, Label Models
preferred placement (edge labels), Preferred Placement of Edge Labels
layout (see automatic layout calculation)
aborting layout calculation, Abort Mechanism for Layout Calculations
arranging components (see layout stage)
default compound process (see layout stage)
excluding components (see layout stage)
graph model, Using yFiles Layout Functionality
invocation, Layout Infrastructure
invoking different layout algorithms for components (see layout stage)
morphing, Layout Morphing
providing supplemental data to an algorithm, Providing Supplemental Layout Data
unbuffered vs. buffered, Invoking a Layout Algorithm Using Buffered Layout
wrapping graph layouts (see layout stage)
layout algorithms
multi-page layout, Multi-page Layout
partial layout, Partial Layout
radial layout, Radial Layout Style
series-parallel layout, Series-parallel Layout Style
layout graph model, Underlying Graph Model of the yFiles Layout Algorithms
layout stage
buffered layout, Class BufferedLayouter
component arrangement, Class ComponentLayouter
excluding components from layout calculation, Advanced Layout Techniques
invoking different layout algorithms for components, Advanced Layout Techniques
styles, Layout Options
concept, The Layout Stages Concept
default compound layout process, Default Compound Layout Process
general-purpose, Layout Stages
graph layout wrapper, Class GraphLayoutLineWrapper
routing (see routing algorithms)
listener paradigm
notification of structural changes, Structural Changes


class Node
creating an instance, Creating Graphs and Graph Elements
provided functionality, Class Node
(see also graph elements)
definition, Basic Algorithms Graph Structure
node halos, Node Halos


parallel edges, Basic Algorithms Graph Structure
port candidates, Port Candidates
(see also constraints)
for nodes, Port Candidates
with edges, Port Candidates
port constraints (see constraints)


reflexive edge (see self-loop)
routing algorithms
octilinear, Polyline Edge Routing
orthogonal bus-style, Orthogonal Bus-style Edge Routing
polyline, Polyline Edge Routing


self-loop, Basic Algorithms Graph Structure, Class Node, Class Edge
shortest paths, Shortest Paths
spanning trees, Spanning Trees
specific layout support
partitioned layout support, Swimlane Layout, Partitioned Layout
partition grid, Partition Grid
swimlane layout, Swimlane Layout
partition grid, Partition Grid
swimlane layout, Swimlane Layout
(see also specific layout support)


transitive closure and reduction, Transitivity
trees, Trees