Package com.yworks.yfiles.server.graphml.folding

Interface Summary
FoldedGraphKeys Data provider keys for working with folded graphs.

Class Summary
DummyEdgeId Id object that describes a dummy edge between specific source and target nodes, representing the master edge associated with this instance.
DummyNodeId Id object for the collapsed state of group node.
DummyNodePortId The Id for a port of the collapsed state of a group node.
EdgeViewState Data object that describes the visual appearance of a dummy edge in a folded graph.
EdgeViewStateInputHandler Input handler for EdgeViewState instances.
EdgeViewStateOutputHandler Output handler for EdgeViewState instances.
FoldedLayoutGraph A LayoutGraph that supports folding operations.
FoldingLayoutStage A layout stage that allows to calculate layouts for folded graph structures.
FoldingSupport This class provides static utility methods for working with folded graph structures.
NodeExpandedInputHandler Input handler that parses the expansion state of folded graphs.
NodeExpandedOutputHandler Output handler that writes the expansion state of nodes in folded graph.
NodeViewState Data object that describes the visual appearance of a dummy node in a folded graph.
NodeViewStateInputHandler Input handler that parses the NodeViewState instances of a folded graph structure.
NodeViewStateOutputHandler Output handler that writes the NodeViewState instances of a folded graph.
PortDeserializer Deserializer for port data in PortViewStates or port entities of EdgeViewStates in a folded graph structure.
PortViewState Data object that describes the visual appearance of a dummy node port (the port of the collapsed state of a group node) in a folded graph.
PortViewStateInputHandler This input handler accepts port view states and does nothing on parsing.
PortViewStateOutputHandler Output handler that writes the PortViewState instances of a folded graph.

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