Class DummyEdgeId

  extended bycom.yworks.yfiles.server.graphml.folding.DummyEdgeId

public class DummyEdgeId
extends java.lang.Object

Id object that describes a dummy edge between specific source and target nodes, representing the master edge associated with this instance.

Constructor Summary
DummyEdgeId(Edge masterEdge, Node currentMasterSource, Node currentMasterTarget, boolean sourceCollapsed, boolean targetCollapsed)
          Creates a id object for the provided master edge, describing the dummy edge between the specified source and target nodes oder dummy nodes.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
 Node getCurrentMasterSource()
          The source node of the edge or one of its ancestors to which the dummy edge connects in the folded graph view, if the actual parent is currently collapsed in an ancestor node.
 Node getCurrentMasterTarget()
          The target node of the edge or one of its ancestors to which the dummy edge connects in the folded graph view, if the actual parent is currently collapsed in an ancestor node.
 Edge getMasterEdge()
          Returns the master edge that is represented by the dummy edge described by this id.
 int hashCode()
 boolean isSourceCollapsed()
          Whether the current master source node is in collapsed/dummy state.
 boolean isTargetCollapsed()
          Whether the current master target node is in collapsed/dummy state.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DummyEdgeId(Edge masterEdge,
                   Node currentMasterSource,
                   Node currentMasterTarget,
                   boolean sourceCollapsed,
                   boolean targetCollapsed)
Creates a id object for the provided master edge, describing the dummy edge between the specified source and target nodes oder dummy nodes.

masterEdge - The master edge that is represented by the dummy edge described by this id.
currentMasterSource - The source node of the edge or one of its ancestors to which the dummy edge connects in the folded graph view, if the actual parent is currently collapsed in an ancestor node.
currentMasterTarget - The target node of the edge or one of its ancestors to which the dummy edge connects in the folded graph view, if the actual parent is currently collapsed in an ancestor node.
sourceCollapsed - true if the currentMasterSource is the true source of the masterEdge, but is in its collapsed/dummy state.
targetCollapsed - true if the currentMasterTarget is the true target of the masterEdge, but is in its collapsed/dummy state.
Method Detail


public Edge getMasterEdge()
Returns the master edge that is represented by the dummy edge described by this id.


public Node getCurrentMasterSource()
The source node of the edge or one of its ancestors to which the dummy edge connects in the folded graph view, if the actual parent is currently collapsed in an ancestor node.


public Node getCurrentMasterTarget()
The target node of the edge or one of its ancestors to which the dummy edge connects in the folded graph view, if the actual parent is currently collapsed in an ancestor node.


public boolean isSourceCollapsed()
Whether the current master source node is in collapsed/dummy state.


public boolean isTargetCollapsed()
Whether the current master target node is in collapsed/dummy state.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)


public int hashCode()

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