Package com.yworks.yfiles.server.graphml.flexio.serializer

Contains all serializer implementations for reading the GraphML format used by the yFiles FLEX client.


Class Summary
AbstractEdgeStyleSerializer Abstract serialized for IEdgeStyle that writes elements for the source and target arrow of the edge and delegates the serialization of the edge style to AbstractEdgeStyleSerializer.writeStyle(,,
AbstractSerializer Abstract subclass of TypeBasedSerializer that writes the element tags for its subclasses and delegates to AbstractSerializer.serializeItem(Object,, for the core serialization.
AbstractTemplateStyleSerializer Abstract base class for serializers which handle TemplateStyle subclasses.
ArraySerializer This serializer can be used to serialize an array of any component class type.
ArrowSerializer Serializer for Arrow.
BevelNodeStyleSerializer Serializer for BevelNodeStyle.
BitmapNodeStyleSerializer Serializer for BitmapNodeStyle.
CollectionSerializer Serializer for Collection.
ComponentNodeStyleSerializer Serializer for the yFiles FLEX client component node style.
DelegatingStyleSerializer An abstract serializer which facilitates the creation of serializers for DelegatingStyle instances.
ExtensionBasedSerializer Serializer implementation that produces output through the use of a MarkupExtension.
ExteriorLabelModelParameterSerializer Serializer for ExteriorLabelModel parameter.
FillSerializer Serializer for IFill.
FontSerializer Serializer for Font.
FreeEdgeLabelModelParameterSerializer Serializer for FreeEdgeLabelModel parameter.
FreeNodeLabelModel_NodeCenterAnchoredParameterSerializer Serializer for FreeNodeLabelModel.NodeCenterAnchoredParameter.
FreeNodeLabelModel_NodeLayoutAnchoredParameterSerializer Serializer for FreeNodeLabelModel.NodeLayoutAnchoredParameter.
FreeNodeLabelModel_NodeRatioAnchoredParameterSerializer Serializer for FreeNodeLabelModel.NodeRatioAnchoredParameter.
GeneralPathNodeStyleSerializer Serializer for GeneralPathNodeStyle.
GeneralPathSerializer Serializer for GeneralPath.
GenericLabelModelParameterSerializer Serializer for GenericLabelModel parameter.
IconLabelStyleDecoratorSerializer Serializer for IconLabelStyleDecoratorSerializer.
IconLabelStyleSerializer Serializer for IconLabelStyle.
ImageIconSerializer Serializer for ImageIcon.
ImageNodeStyleSerializer Serializer for ImageNodeStyle.
ImageSerializer Serializer for Image writing the image as byte stream.
InteriorLabelModelParameterSerializer Serializer for InteriorLabelModel parameter.
InteriorStretchLabelModelParameterSerializer Serializer for InteriorStretchLabelModel parameter.
NodeStyleLabelStyleAdapterSerializer Serializer for NodeStyleLabelStyleAdapter that delegates the serialization of the label style and node style to the context.
NullSerializer This serializer does serializer null to an element with the local name 'Null' in the namespace Constants.YWORKS_EXT_PRIMITIVES_NS_URI.
PanelNodeStyleSerializer Serializer for PanelNodeStyle.
PolylineEdgeStyleSerializer Serializer for PolylineEdgeStyle that delegates the serialzation of the style's stroke to the context.
PrimitivesSerializer Can only handle Integer, Long, Double, Float, Boolean and String.
ReflectionBasedSerializer This serializer can be used to serialize complex objects based on reflection.
RotatingEdgeLabelModelParameterSerializer Serializer for RotatingEdgeLabelModel parameter.
ShapeNodeStyleSerializer A serializer for ShapeNodeStyle delegating the serialization of the fill and stroke to the content.
SimpleLabelStyleSerializer Serializer for SimpleLabelStyle.
SimplePortStyleSerializer Serializer for SimplePortStyle.
SliderEdgeLabelModelParameterSerializer Serializer for SliderEdgeLabelModel parameter.
StrokeSerializer Serializer for Stroke.
TagOwnerUserTagProviderSerializer A serializer which can handle the TagOwnerUserTagProvider.
TemplateLabelStyleSerializer A serializer which can handle TemplateLabelStyle instances.
TemplateNodeStyleSerializer A serializer which can handle TemplateNodeStyle instances.
TextLayoutFormatSerializer A serializer which can handle TextLayoutFormat.

Package com.yworks.yfiles.server.graphml.flexio.serializer Description

Contains all serializer implementations for reading the GraphML format used by the yFiles FLEX client.

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