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Package y.layout.tabular

Provides classes for automatic tabular layout of the nodes of a graph.


Class Summary
NodeLayoutDescriptor This class is used by TabularLayouter to provide placement details for nodes during the layout process.
TabularLayouter This layout algorithm places nodes in a tabular fashion.

Package y.layout.tabular Description

Provides classes for automatic tabular layout of the nodes of a graph.

The main class of this package is TabularLayouter that places the nodes based on an underlying PartitionGrid structure. Only nodes are arranged, edges are not routed, but their bend points are cleared. Therefore, this algorithm is suitable if nodes should be arranged in rows and columns in a regular fashion.

Example Graphs

A tabular layout of 8 nodes organized in a 3x3 grid

A tabular layout of 8 nodes organized in a 2x6 grid with some gaps (empty cells)


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