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This package contains classes that support serializing and deserializing geometry data only.


Class Summary
AbstractEdgeLayoutSerializer Reads and writes edge layout information from/to GraphML.
AbstractNodeLayoutSerializer Reads and writes node layout information from/to GraphML.
EdgeLayoutInputHandler Input handler for edge layout information in GraphML.
EdgeLayoutOutputHandler Output handler for edge layout information in GraphML.
GroupingBasedGraphElementFactory Element factory that creates nesting information for GroupingKeys.
GroupingBasedHierarchySupport Accesses nesting information stored in Grouping instances for GraphML serialization.
LayoutGraphMLHandler Handles serialization and deserialization of LayoutGraph instances.
LayoutSerializationToolkit Provides utility methods for reading and writing geometry data in GraphML.
NodeLayoutInputHandler Input handler for node layout information in GraphML.
NodeLayoutOutputHandler Output handler for node layout information in GraphML.

Package Description

This package contains classes that support serializing and deserializing geometry data only.
The main entry point is class LayoutGraphMLHandler which provides support for reading and writing LayoutGraph instances.


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