documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of YRectangle


boundingBoxin IPlaneObjectGets the smallest Rectangle which contains the object.
boundingBoxin LineSegmentGets the smallest Rectangle which contains the object.
boundingBoxin YOrientedRectangleCalculates the paraxial bounding box of this oriented rectangle.
boundingBoxin YRectangleGets this object.
boundingBoxin ILabelLayoutGets the bounding box of the label.
boundingBoxin LabelCandidateGets the bounding box of this candidate.
boundingBoxin LabelLayoutBaseSets the bounding box of the label.
computedBoundsin TemporaryGroupDescriptorGets the bounds of this temporary group.
areain ClearAreaLayoutGets or sets the rectangular area that must be cleared.
areain FillAreaLayoutGets or sets the rectangular area that should be filled.
boundsin ChannelGets the bounds of this channel.
boundsin DynamicObstacleDecompositionGets the bounds of the original rectangular area that is being partitioned.
boundsin GraphPartitionGets the bounds of the original rectangular area that is being partitioned.
boundsin IPartitionGets the bounds of the original rectangular area that is partitioned.
boundsin ObstacleGets the bounds of the obstacle.
boundsin PartitionCellGets the bounds of this PartitionCell.


ALTERNATIVE_GROUP_BOUNDS_DP_KEYin HierarchicLayoutA data provider key for associating an alternative bounds with the collapsed/expanded group.
EXPANDED_NODE_ORIGINAL_BOUNDS_DP_KEYin ClearAreaLayoutA data provider key for specifying the original, non-expanded bounds of the expanded node.

Method Return Values

toYRectangle ()in RectCreates a YRectangle from a given Rect.
getBoundingBox (YNode)in LayoutGraphReturns the rectangle describing the bounding box of the given node.
getHaloBox (LayoutGraph, YNode)in NodeHaloReturns a YRectangle instance with the bounds of the given node including its NodeHalo.
calculateSpanningRectangle (Interval, Interval)in IntervalReturns the spanning rectangle between the given intervals.

Method Parameters

boxIntersectsSegment (YRectangle, YPoint, YPoint)in LineSegmentChecks whether a line segment intersects a box.
boxIntersectsSegment (YRectangle, number, number, number, number)in LineSegmentChecks whether a line segment intersects a box.
intersects (YRectangle)in LineSegmentChecks whether the line segment intersects a box.
YOrientedRectangle (YRectangle)in YOrientedRectangleCreates a new instance using the provided rectangle's values to initialize anchor and size.
intersects (YOrientedRectangle, YRectangle, number)in YOrientedRectangleDetermines whether a rectangle intersects an oriented rectangle, given an epsilon.
contains (YRectangle)in YRectangleChecks whether or not this YRectangle contains the given rectangle.
getEuclideanDistance (YRectangle)in YRectangleReturns the Euclidean distance to the passed rectangle.
getManhattanDistance (YRectangle)in YRectangleReturns the Manhattan distance to the passed rectangle.
intersects (YRectangle, YRectangle)in YRectangleReturns whether or not the given rectangles intersect.
foundHaloOverlap (LabelCandidate, YNode, YRectangle)in MISLabelingBaseIndicates that an overlap between a LabelCandidate and a NodeHalo of the input graph has been found.
foundNodeOverlap (LabelCandidate, YNode, YRectangle)in MISLabelingBaseIndicates that an overlap between a LabelCandidate and a YNode of the input graph has been found.
foundPartitionGridInsetOverlap (LabelCandidate, YRectangle)in MISLabelingBaseIndicates that an overlap between a LabelCandidate and the insets of a cell of the PartitionGrid has been found.
foundPartitionGridInteriorOverlap (LabelCandidate, YRectangle)in MISLabelingBaseIndicates that the LabelCandidate is inside of the PartitionGrid.
arrangeComponents (LayoutGraph, YNodeList, EdgeList, YRectangle, Rectangle2D)in ComponentLayoutProduces a component graph layout.
arrangeFields (LayoutGraph, YNodeList, EdgeList, YRectangle, Rectangle2D, boolean, boolean, boolean)in ComponentLayoutArranges the bounding boxes of the components.
setOrigin (LayoutGraph, YNodeList, EdgeList, YPoint, YRectangle)in ComponentLayoutMoves the subgraph containing the given nodes and edges to the specified origin.
clipPathOnBounds (YPointPath, YRectangle, YRectangle)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesReturns the path of a given edge path clipped on the given bounding boxes of the source and target node.
routeRestoredEdges (LayoutGraph, IDataProvider, YRectangle)in MultiPageLayoutThis method is called whenever some single edges have to be routed without changing the position of nodes (e.g., by removeConnectorPair to route the restored edges).
ClearAreaLayout ()in ClearAreaLayoutCreates a new instance of ClearAreaLayout with default settings.
FillAreaLayout ()in FillAreaLayoutCreates a new instance of FillAreaLayout with default settings.
getCells (YRectangle)in DynamicObstacleDecompositionReturns a list of all PartitionCells that intersect or cover the given rectangle.
init (IList<Object>, YRectangle)in DynamicObstacleDecompositionInitializes this DynamicObstacleDecomposition instance with the given obstacles and partition bounds.
createObstacle (YRectangle, Object)in GraphPartitionCreates and returns a new Obstacle using the given bounds and data.
getCells (YRectangle)in GraphPartitionReturns a list of all PartitionCells that intersect or cover the given rectangle by delegating to the corresponding method of the inner partition.
init (IList<Object>, YRectangle)in IObstaclePartitionInitializes a new IObstaclePartition of the area with the given bounds using the given list of Obstacles.
getCells (YRectangle)in IPartitionReturns a list of all PartitionCells that intersect or cover the given rectangle.
Obstacle (YRectangle, Object)in ObstacleCreates a new Obstacle instance with the given bounds and additional data.
PartitionCell (YRectangle, IPartition)in PartitionCellCreates a new PartitionCell of the given IPartition with the location and the size of the given rectangle.