documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of YInsets


defaultInsetsin InsetsGroupBoundsCalculatorGets or sets the default insets that will be used if the IDataProvider registered with the insets key does not contain a mapping for a specific node.
insetsin TemporaryGroupDescriptorGets or sets the insets of this temporary group or null if the group has no insets.


GROUP_NODE_INSETS_DP_KEYin GroupingKeysA data provider key for assigning insets for group nodes.

Method Return Values

toInsets ()in InsetsCreates a YInsets from a given Insets.
createOrientedInsets (YInsets)in OrientationLayoutCreates YInsets that are a geometric transformation of the given YInsets.

Method Parameters

InsetsGroupBoundsCalculator (Object?, YInsets?)in InsetsGroupBoundsCalculatorConstructs an instance of InsetsGroupBoundsCalculator using the given IDataProvider key as group node insets key and the given insets as default insets.
createOrientedInsets (YInsets)in OrientationLayoutCreates YInsets that are a geometric transformation of the given YInsets.
TemporaryGroupDescriptor (TemporaryGroupDescriptor?, ILayoutAlgorithm?, )in TemporaryGroupDescriptorCreates a new instance of TemporaryGroupDescriptor using the given descriptor as parent and the layout algorithm that is considered by the RecursiveGroupLayout.