documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of YDimension


sizein YOrientedRectangleGets or sets the size of this rectangle.
preferredSizein ComponentLayoutGets or sets the preferred size of the layout.
sizein LabelCandidateGets the width and height of the candidate's bounds.
defaultMinimumNodeSizein MinimumSizeGroupBoundsCalculatorGets or sets the default minimum size (width and height) for group nodes.
minimumSizein TemporaryGroupDescriptorGets or sets the minimum size of this temporary group or null if the group has no minimum size constraint.
maximumPageSizein MultiPageLayoutGets or sets the maximum size of a single page.
minimumNodeSizein TreeMapLayoutGets or sets the minimum size (height and width) a node in the tree map must have.
preferredSizein TreeMapLayoutGets or sets the desired dimension of the root rectangle into which all nodes are placed.


NODE_SIZE_DP_KEYin GivenCoordinatesStageA data provider key for specifying the size of nodes.
MINIMUM_NODE_SIZE_DP_KEYin GroupingKeysA data provider key for assigning minimum sizes for group nodes.
AFFECTED_NODES_SIZE_DP_KEYin PlaceNodesAtBarycenterStageA data provider key for specifying the size of affected nodes.

Method Return Values

toYDimension ()in SizeCreates a YDimension from a given Size.
getSize (YNode)in LayoutGraphReturns the size of the given node.
arrangeRectangleGrid (Rectangle2D, Rectangle2D, number)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesReassigns the bounds of the rectangles in a grid to fit in a large rectangle with an aspect ratio close to the specified aspect ratio.
createOrientedNodeSize (YDimension)in OrientationLayoutCreates a YDimension that is a geometric transformation of the given size.
getDefaultNodeSize (LayoutContext, Object, number)in DefaultElementFactoryReturns the default size for nodes created by this factory.

Method Parameters

YOrientedRectangle (YPoint, YDimension)in YOrientedRectangleCreates a new instance using the provided values to initialize the anchor and size.
YOrientedRectangle (YPoint, YDimension, YVector)in YOrientedRectangleCreates a new instance using the provided values to initialize anchor, size, and up vector.
YRectangle (YPoint, YDimension)in YRectangleCreates a new rectangle with given upper left corner and size.
ComponentLayout (ILayoutAlgorithm?, )in ComponentLayoutCreates a new ComponentLayout instance with an optional core layout algorithm.
getLabelPlacement (YDimension, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout, Object)in DiscreteEdgeLabelLayoutModel
getLabelPlacementForPosition (YDimension, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout, DiscreteEdgeLabelPositions)in DiscreteEdgeLabelLayoutModelReturns the oriented box of the label for the given label position.
getLabelPlacement (YDimension, INodeLayout, Object)in DiscreteNodeLabelLayoutModel
getLabelPlacementForPosition (YDimension, INodeLayout, DiscreteNodeLabelPositions)in DiscreteNodeLabelLayoutModelReturns the oriented box of the label for the given label position.
EdgeLabelCandidate (YPoint, YDimension, Object, IEdgeLabelLayout, boolean?)in EdgeLabelCandidateCreates a new instance of EdgeLabelCandidate described by location, size, model parameter and internal flag.
ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidate (YPoint, YDimension, Object, IEdgeLabelLayout, ILabelCandidateDescriptor)in ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidateReturns a new instance of ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidate.
ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidate (YPoint, YDimension, Object, IEdgeLabelLayout, boolean, ILabelCandidateDescriptor)in ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidateReturns a new instance of ExtendedEdgeLabelCandidate.
ExtendedNodeLabelCandidate (YPoint, YDimension, Object, INodeLabelLayout, ILabelCandidateDescriptor)in ExtendedNodeLabelCandidateReturns a new instance of ExtendedNodeLabelCandidate.
ExtendedNodeLabelCandidate (YPoint, YDimension, Object, INodeLabelLayout, boolean, ILabelCandidateDescriptor)in ExtendedNodeLabelCandidateReturns a new instance of ExtendedNodeLabelCandidate.
getLabelPlacement (YDimension, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout, Object)in FreeEdgeLabelLayoutModel
getLabelPlacement (YDimension, INodeLayout, Object)in FreeNodeLabelLayoutModel
getLabelPlacement (YDimension, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout, Object)in IEdgeLabelLayoutModelReturns the oriented box of the label for the position encoded by the given model parameter.
getLabelPlacement (YDimension, INodeLayout, Object)in INodeLabelLayoutModelReturns the bounds of the label for the position encoded by the given model parameter.
IsolatedGroupComponentLayout (ILayoutAlgorithm?, )in IsolatedGroupComponentLayoutCreates an instance of IsolatedGroupComponentLayout with the given layout algorithm as core layout algorithm.
LabelCandidate (YPoint, YDimension, Object, ILabelLayout, boolean?)in LabelCandidateCreates a new instance of LabelCandidate described by location, size, model parameter and internal flag.
setSize (YNode, YDimension)in LayoutGraphSpecifies the size of the given node.
getLabelPlacement (INodeLabelLayoutModel, YDimension, INodeLayout, Object)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesReturns the upper-left corner of the paraxial bounding box of the given node label as encoded by the specified model parameter.
getLabelPlacement (IEdgeLabelLayoutModel, YDimension, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout, Object)in LayoutGraphUtilitiesReturns the upper-left corner of the paraxial bounding box of the given edge label as encoded by the specified model parameter.
NodeLabelCandidate (YPoint, YDimension, Object, INodeLabelLayout, boolean?)in NodeLabelCandidateCreates a new instance of NodeLabelCandidate described by location, size, model parameter and internal flag.
createOrientedNodeSize (YDimension)in OrientationLayoutCreates a YDimension that is a geometric transformation of the given size.
getLabelPlacement (YDimension, IEdgeLayout, INodeLayout, INodeLayout, Object)in SliderEdgeLabelLayoutModel
TemporaryGroupDescriptor (TemporaryGroupDescriptor?, ILayoutAlgorithm?, )in TemporaryGroupDescriptorCreates a new instance of TemporaryGroupDescriptor using the given descriptor as parent and the layout algorithm that is considered by the RecursiveGroupLayout.
MultiPageLayout (ILayoutAlgorithm, )in MultiPageLayoutCreates a new MultiPageLayout instance.
TreeMapLayout ()in TreeMapLayoutInitializes a new instance of the TreeMapLayout class with default settings.

Extending Types

YRectangleThis class defines a rectangle and provides utility methods for it.