documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of XmlName


namein GraphMLXmlAttributeGets the fully qualified name of the attribute.
resultin QueryNameEventArgsGets or sets the result of the name query, which is null initially.
xmlNamein QueryTypeEventArgsGets the fully qualified xml name that should be resolved to a type.

Method Return Values

getNameForClass (IWriteContext, Class)in IXamlNameMapperReturns the XML tag name that belongs to type type
convertFrom (string)in XmlNamePerforms a conversion from string to XmlName.

Method Parameters

GraphMLXmlAttribute (XmlName, string)in GraphMLXmlAttributeInitializes a new instance of the GraphMLXmlAttribute class.
getClassForName (IParseContext, XmlName)in IXamlNameMapperReturns a Class that matches the given fqTagName of an XML element.
QueryTypeEventArgs (IParseContext, XmlName)in QueryTypeEventArgsInitializes a new instance of the QueryTypeEventArgs class.