documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of WebGL2Stroke


strokein WebGL2ArcEdgeStyleGets the stroke that specifies the color and thickness of the edge.
strokein WebGL2BridgeEdgeStyleGets the stroke that specifies the color and thickness of the edge.
backgroundStrokein WebGL2DefaultLabelStyleGets the color and thickness of the label's background border.
strokein WebGL2GroupNodeStyleThe WebGL2Stroke used for drawing the outline of the shape.
backgroundStrokein WebGL2IconLabelStyleGets the color of the stroke around the shape.
strokein WebGL2IconNodeStyleGets the stroke around the shape.
strokein WebGL2PolylineEdgeStyleGets the stroke that specifies the color and thickness of the edge.
strokein WebGL2ShapeNodeStyleGets the stroke around the shape.
BLACKin WebGL2StrokeGets a solid black stroke with thickness 1.
NONEin WebGL2StrokeAn invisible stroke that has no thickness or color.

Method Return Values

from (WebGL2Stroke)in WebGL2StrokeCreates a WebGL2Stroke instance from the given stroke-like object by performing automatic type conversion.

Method Parameters

WebGL2ArcEdgeStyle (number?, boolean?, WebGL2Stroke?, WebGL2ArrowType?, WebGL2ArrowType?, number?, WebGL2Effect?)in WebGL2ArcEdgeStyleCreates a new arc edge style that is rendered with WebGL2.
WebGL2BridgeEdgeStyle (number?, number?, WebGL2Stroke?, WebGL2ArrowType?, WebGL2ArrowType?, number?, WebGL2Effect?)in WebGL2BridgeEdgeStyleCreates a new 3-segment bridge edge style that is rendered with WebGL2.
WebGL2DefaultLabelStyle (Font?, Color?, Color?, WebGL2Stroke?, HorizontalTextAlignment?, number?, WebGL2LabelShape?, WebGL2Effect?, number?, WebGL2TextureRendering?, TextWrapping?, TextWrappingShape?, number?, VerticalTextAlignment?)in WebGL2DefaultLabelStyleCreates a new label style that is rendered with WebGL2.
WebGL2GroupNodeStyle (Color?, Color?, Color?, WebGL2Stroke?, number?, number?, number?, number?, number?, boolean?, GroupNodeStyleTabPosition?, GroupNodeStyleIconPosition?, GroupNodeStyleIconType?, GroupNodeStyleIconType?, GroupNodeStyleIconBackgroundShape?, Color?, Color?, number?, number?, WebGL2Effect?, boolean?, GroupNodeStyleTabSizePolicy?, boolean?)in WebGL2GroupNodeStyleCreates a new group node style that is rendered with WebGL2.
WebGL2IconLabelStyle (ImageData, Color?, Color?, WebGL2Stroke?, number?, WebGL2LabelShape?, WebGL2Effect?, WebGL2TextureRendering?)in WebGL2IconLabelStyleCreates a new icon label style that is rendered with WebGL2.
WebGL2IconNodeStyle (ImageData, Color?, boolean?, WebGL2ShapeNodeShape?, Color?, WebGL2Stroke?, WebGL2Effect?, WebGL2TextureRendering?)in WebGL2IconNodeStyleCreates a new icon node style that is rendered with WebGL2.
WebGL2PolylineEdgeStyle (WebGL2Stroke?, WebGL2ArrowType?, WebGL2ArrowType?, number?, number?, WebGL2Effect?)in WebGL2PolylineEdgeStyleCreates a new polyline edge style that is rendered with WebGL.
WebGL2ShapeNodeStyle (WebGL2ShapeNodeShape?, Color?, WebGL2Stroke?, WebGL2Effect?, boolean?)in WebGL2ShapeNodeStyleCreates a new shape node style that is rendered with WebGL2.
from (WebGL2Stroke)in WebGL2StrokeCreates a WebGL2Stroke instance from the given stroke-like object by performing automatic type conversion.