documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of WebGL2ArrowType


sourceArrowin WebGL2ArcEdgeStyleGets the arrow at the edge's source end.
targetArrowin WebGL2ArcEdgeStyleGets the arrow at the edge's target end.
sourceArrowin WebGL2BridgeEdgeStyleGets the arrow at the edge's source end.
targetArrowin WebGL2BridgeEdgeStyleGets the arrow at the edge's target end.
sourceArrowin WebGL2PolylineEdgeStyleGets the arrow at the edge's source end.
targetArrowin WebGL2PolylineEdgeStyleGets the arrow at the edge's target end.

Method Return Values

from (WebGL2ArrowType)in WebGL2ArrowTypeConverts the argument to WebGL2ArrowType.

Method Parameters

WebGL2ArcEdgeStyle (number?, boolean?, WebGL2Stroke?, WebGL2ArrowType?, WebGL2ArrowType?, number?, WebGL2Effect?)in WebGL2ArcEdgeStyleCreates a new arc edge style that is rendered with WebGL2.
from (WebGL2ArrowType)in WebGL2ArrowTypeConverts the argument to WebGL2ArrowType.
WebGL2BridgeEdgeStyle (number?, number?, WebGL2Stroke?, WebGL2ArrowType?, WebGL2ArrowType?, number?, WebGL2Effect?)in WebGL2BridgeEdgeStyleCreates a new 3-segment bridge edge style that is rendered with WebGL2.
WebGL2PolylineEdgeStyle (WebGL2Stroke?, WebGL2ArrowType?, WebGL2ArrowType?, number?, number?, WebGL2Effect?)in WebGL2PolylineEdgeStyleCreates a new polyline edge style that is rendered with WebGL.