documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


easingin WebGL2AnimationTimingGets the easing function to apply for each iteration.
easingin WebGL2TransitionGets the easing function to apply for the transition.

Method Return Values

from (WebGL2AnimationEasing)in WebGL2AnimationEasingConverts the argument to WebGL2AnimationEasing.

Method Parameters

from (WebGL2AnimationEasing)in WebGL2AnimationEasingConverts the argument to WebGL2AnimationEasing.
WebGL2AnimationTiming (TimeSpan?, WebGL2AnimationEasing?, number?, WebGL2AnimationDirection?)in WebGL2AnimationTimingCreates a new immutable instance with the provided values.
WebGL2Transition (WebGL2TransitionProperties?, TimeSpan?, WebGL2AnimationEasing?)in WebGL2TransitionCreates a new immutable instance with the provided values.