documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of Visualization


visualizationin LabelPositionHandlerGets or sets how the moved label should be shown during the gesture.
visualizationin MoveLabelInputModeGets or sets how the moved label should be shown during the gesture.
visualizationin PortRelocationHandleGets or sets how the changed edge should be shown during the gesture.
visualizationin PortRelocationHandleProviderGets or sets how the changed edge should be shown during the gesture.

Method Return Values

from (Visualization)in VisualizationConverts the argument to Visualization.

Method Parameters

MoveLabelInputMode ()in MoveLabelInputModeCreates a new instance that will move labels in the graph retrieved from the inputModeContext.
from (Visualization)in VisualizationConverts the argument to Visualization.