documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of TreeNodesSource

Method Return Values

createRootGroupNodesSource (TDataItem[] | Iterable<TDataItem> | Map<any,TDataItem> | { [id: string]: TDataItem; } | (() => GeneratorLike<TDataItem>, function(TDataItem, Object):Object?)in TreeBuilderRegisters a collection of root group data items functioning as entities for the NodeCreator<TDataItem> of the returned TreeNodesSource<TDataItem>.
createRootNodesSource (TDataItem[] | Iterable<TDataItem> | Map<any,TDataItem> | { [id: string]: TDataItem; } | (() => GeneratorLike<TDataItem>, function(TDataItem, Object):Object?)in TreeBuilderRegisters a collection of root data items functioning as entities for the NodeCreator<TDataItem> of the returned TreeNodesSource<TDataItem>.
createChildNodesSource (function(TDataItem):Object, function(TChildDataItem, Object):Object?)in TreeNodesSourceRegisters a collection of child data items functioning as child entities for the NodeCreator<TChildDataItem> of the returned TreeNodesSource<TChildDataItem>.

Method Parameters

addRootNodesSource (TDataItem[] | Iterable<TDataItem> | Map<any,TDataItem> | { [id: string]: TDataItem; } | (() => GeneratorLike<TDataItem>, TreeNodesSource<TDataItem>)in TreeBuilderBinds a collection of root data items to the given nodesSource.
setData (TreeNodesSource<TDataItem>, TDataItem[] | Iterable<TDataItem> | Map<any,TDataItem> | { [id: string]: TDataItem; } | (() => GeneratorLike<TDataItem>)in TreeBuilderBinds a new data collection to a TreeNodesSource<TDataItem>, replacing the old one.
addChildNodesSource (function(TDataItem):Object, TreeNodesSource<TChildDataItem>)in TreeNodesSourceBinds a collection of child data items to the given nodesSource.