documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of TimeSpan


cancelDurationin AbortHandlerGets or sets the duration an algorithm may run before being cancelled automatically.
stopDurationin AbortHandlerGets or sets the duration an algorithm may run before being stopped automatically.
maximumDurationin NodeAggregationGets or sets the maximum duration that this algorithm is allowed to run.
maximumDurationin RankAssignmentGets or sets the preferred time limit for the algorithm.
autoMergeTimein UndoEngineGets or sets the duration during which the engine will try to merge newly added units.
delayin MouseHoverInputModeGets or sets the duration the mouse has to hover in one place to show a tooltip.
durationin MouseHoverInputModeGets or sets the duration to show the tooltip.
inertiaDurationin MoveViewportInputModeGets or sets the duration of the inertia movement.
durationin LayoutExecutorGets or sets the duration of the animation.
cancelDurationin LayoutExecutorAsyncGets or sets the duration a layout may run before being cancelled automatically.
durationin LayoutExecutorAsyncGets or sets the duration of the animation.
stopDurationin LayoutExecutorAsyncGets or sets the duration a layout may run before being stopped automatically.
doubleClickTimein CanvasComponentGets or sets the value of the double click time.
doubleTapTimein CanvasComponentGets or sets the value of the double tap time.
dragTimein CanvasComponentGets or sets the value of the drag time.
longPressTimein CanvasComponentGets or sets the value of the long press time.
sizeChangedTimerIntervalin CanvasComponentGets or sets the interval of the timer that runs to detect size changes as a TimeSpan.
preferredDurationin IAnimationGets the preferred duration of the animation.
cleanUpDurationin SvgDefsManagerGets or sets a soft limit for the runtime of the defs cleanup that the method tries to respect.
cleanUpTimerIntervalin SvgDefsManagerGets or sets the interval for the timer to trigger the cleanup event.
preferredDurationin TableAnimationGets or sets the preferred duration of the animation.
preferredDurationin ViewportAnimationGets or sets the preferred duration of the animation.
preferredDurationin WebGL2AnimationSpecifies the preferred total duration of this animation if it is used with an Animator.
durationin WebGL2AnimationTimingGets the duration of a single iteration cycle.
durationin WebGL2TransitionGets the duration of a the transition.


ZEROin TimeSpanEmpty time span.

Method Return Values

timeToCancel ()in AbortHandlerDetermines the remaining time (in milliseconds) until an algorithm that checks this handler is cancelled automatically.
timeToStop ()in AbortHandlerDetermines the remaining time until an algorithm that checks this handler is stopped automatically.
from (TimeSpan)in TimeSpanCreates a TimeSpan instance from the given TimeSpan-like object by performing automatic type conversion.
fromMilliseconds (number)in TimeSpanCreates a new time span with the given length in milliseconds.
fromMinutes (number)in TimeSpanCreates a new time span with the given length in minutes.
fromSeconds (number)in TimeSpanCreates a new time span with the given length in seconds.
getViewportAnimationDuration (Point, number, ViewportChanges)in CanvasComponentDetermines the animation duration for a viewport animation.

Method Parameters

NodeAggregation ()in NodeAggregationCreates a new instance with default settings.
RankAssignment ()in RankAssignmentCreates a new instance of this class.
MouseHoverInputMode (function(Object, ToolTipQueryEventArgs):void?, )in MouseHoverInputModeCreates a new instance using the provided optional text provider.
MoveViewportInputMode ()in MoveViewportInputModeCreates a new instance of the move viewport mode
from (TimeSpan)in TimeSpanCreates a TimeSpan instance from the given TimeSpan-like object by performing automatic type conversion.
LayoutExecutor (GraphComponent, ILayoutAlgorithm, )in LayoutExecutorInitializes a new instance of the LayoutExecutor class.
LayoutExecutor (GraphComponent, IGraph, ILayoutAlgorithm, )in LayoutExecutorInitializes a new instance of the LayoutExecutor class.
LayoutExecutorAsync (function(Object):Promise<Object>, GraphComponent, LayoutDescriptor?, LayoutData?, )in LayoutExecutorAsyncCreates a new instance of a layout execution helper that will asynchronously perform the calculations and optionally animate the layout on the given graphComponent.
LayoutExecutorAsync (function(Object):Promise<Object>, IGraph, LayoutDescriptor?, LayoutData?, )in LayoutExecutorAsyncCreates a new instance of a layout execution helper that will asynchronously perform the calculations and apply the results on the provided graph.
animate (function(number):void, TimeSpan)in AnimatorStarts animating the given animation for the specified duration.
GraphComponent (HTMLDivElement, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent in the given div element.
GraphComponent ()in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of the GraphComponent.
GraphComponent (string, )in GraphComponentCreates a new instance of GraphComponent using the div element that is specified by the selector.
morphLayout (ILayoutAlgorithm, TimeSpan?, LayoutData?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, boolean?, PortAdjustmentPolicy?, ItemMapping<ILabel,PortLabelPolicy>?, Insets?, LabelPreferredPlacementPolicy?)in GraphComponentRuns a layout on the graph of the GraphComponent and animates the transition.
createDelay (TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a delay animation that does nothing.
createDelayedAnimation (TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a delayed animation instance from this instance.
createEdgeSegmentAnimation (IGraph, IEdge, IPoint, Point, Point, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given edge's bends from its current shape linearly to the shape given by the endBends and final port locations.
createGraphAnimation (IGraph, IMapper<INode,IRectangle>?, IMapper<IEdge,yfiles.geometry.IPoint[]>?, IMapper<IPort,IPortLocationModelParameter>?, IMapper<ILabel,ILabelModelParameter>?, TimeSpan?)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given layout of all types of graph items.
createLabelAnimation (IGraph, ILabel, ILabelModelParameter, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given label from its current layout linearly to the layout given by the targetLayoutParameter.
createLayoutAnimation (IGraph, CopiedLayoutGraph, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation instance that animates the current graph to the layout given by a CopiedLayoutGraph instance.
createNodeAnimation (IGraph, INode, IRectangle, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given node from its current layout to the new given targetLayout.
createPathAnimation (GeneralPath, IMutablePoint, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new instance of an IAnimation that animates the given IMutablePoint along a path.
createPortAnimation (IGraph, IPort, IPortLocationModelParameter, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates a new IAnimation that animates the given port from its current location to the new location given by the targetLocationParameter.
fromDelegate (function(number):void, TimeSpan)in IAnimationCreates an animation for the given delegate and preferredDuration.
ViewportAnimation (CanvasComponent, Rect, TimeSpan?, )in ViewportAnimationCreates a new instance of ViewportAnimation.
WebGL2AnimationTiming (TimeSpan?, WebGL2AnimationEasing?, number?, WebGL2AnimationDirection?)in WebGL2AnimationTimingCreates a new immutable instance with the provided values.
WebGL2Transition (WebGL2TransitionProperties?, TimeSpan?, WebGL2AnimationEasing?)in WebGL2TransitionCreates a new immutable instance with the provided values.