documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


textWrappingShapein DefaultLabelStyleGets or sets the shape the label text shall be wrapped in when rendered.
textWrappingShapein WebGL2DefaultLabelStyleGets the shape the label text shall be wrapped in when rendered.

Method Return Values

from (TextWrappingShape)in TextWrappingShapeConverts the argument to TextWrappingShape.

Method Parameters

DefaultLabelStyle ()in DefaultLabelStyleCreates a new instance using DefaultLabelStyleRenderer as renderer.
DefaultLabelStyle (ILabelStyleRenderer, )in DefaultLabelStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer.
MarkupLabelStyle ()in MarkupLabelStyleCreates a new instance using MarkupLabelStyleRenderer as renderer.
MarkupLabelStyle (ILabelStyleRenderer, )in MarkupLabelStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer.
from (TextWrappingShape)in TextWrappingShapeConverts the argument to TextWrappingShape.
WebGL2DefaultLabelStyle (Font?, Color?, Color?, WebGL2Stroke?, HorizontalTextAlignment?, number?, WebGL2LabelShape?, WebGL2Effect?, number?, WebGL2TextureRendering?, TextWrapping?, TextWrappingShape?, number?, VerticalTextAlignment?)in WebGL2DefaultLabelStyleCreates a new label style that is rendered with WebGL2.