documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of TextWrapping


wrappingin DefaultLabelStyleGets or sets the text wrapping and trimming behavior.
wrappingin WebGL2DefaultLabelStyleGets the text wrapping and trimming behavior.

Method Return Values

getWrapping ()in DefaultLabelStyleRendererDetermines how the text should be trimmed to fit the assigned label bounds.
from (TextWrapping)in TextWrappingConverts the argument to TextWrapping.

Method Parameters

DefaultLabelStyle ()in DefaultLabelStyleCreates a new instance using DefaultLabelStyleRenderer as renderer.
DefaultLabelStyle (ILabelStyleRenderer, )in DefaultLabelStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer.
addTextElements (SVGElement, Font, string, Size, TextWrapping, boolean)in DefaultLabelStyleRendererAdd the text content to the provided SVG text element.
MarkupLabelStyle ()in MarkupLabelStyleCreates a new instance using MarkupLabelStyleRenderer as renderer.
MarkupLabelStyle (ILabelStyleRenderer, )in MarkupLabelStyleCreates a new instance using the provided renderer.
addTextElements (SVGElement, Font, string, Size, TextWrapping, boolean)in MarkupLabelStyleRenderer
addText (SVGGElement | SVGTextElement, string, Font, Size?, TextWrapping?, TextMeasurePolicy?, boolean?, GeneralPath?)in TextRenderSupportAdd the text content to the provided SVG text element.
measureText (string, Font, Size?, TextWrapping?, TextMeasurePolicy?)in TextRenderSupportCalculates the width and height required to render the provided text using the provided Font, taking text-wrapping into account.
from (TextWrapping)in TextWrappingConverts the argument to TextWrapping.
WebGL2DefaultLabelStyle (Font?, Color?, Color?, WebGL2Stroke?, HorizontalTextAlignment?, number?, WebGL2LabelShape?, WebGL2Effect?, number?, WebGL2TextureRendering?, TextWrapping?, TextWrappingShape?, number?, VerticalTextAlignment?)in WebGL2DefaultLabelStyleCreates a new label style that is rendered with WebGL2.