documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of Tangent

Method Return Values

getTangent (number)in GeneralPathGets the tangent on this path instance at the given ratio.
getTangentForSegment (number, number)in GeneralPathGets the tangent on this path instance at the segment and segment ratio.
getTangent (number)in ArcEdgeStyleRenderer
getTangentForSegment (number, number)in ArcEdgeStyleRenderer
getTangent (number)in BezierEdgeStyleRenderer
getTangentForSegment (number, number)in BezierEdgeStyleRenderer
getTangent (number)in BridgeEdgeStyleRenderer
getTangentForSegment (number, number)in BridgeEdgeStyleRenderer
getSourceArrowAnchor (GeneralPath, IArrow)in EdgeStyleBaseCalculates the source arrow anchor and direction for a a given arrow and path.
getTangent (IEdge, number)in EdgeStyleBaseGets the tangent to the edge at the specified ratio and the corresponding touch point.
getTangentForSegment (IEdge, number, number)in EdgeStyleBaseGets the tangent to the edge at the specified ratio of a segment of the edge and the corresponding touch point.
getTargetArrowAnchor (GeneralPath, IArrow)in EdgeStyleBaseCalculates the target arrow anchor and direction for a a given arrow and path.
getTangent (number)in IPathGeometryCalculates the tangent on the edge's path at the given ratio point.
getTangentForSegment (number, number)in IPathGeometryCalculates the tangent on the edge's path at the given ratio point for the given segment.
getSourceArrowAnchor (IArrow)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererCalculate and update the anchor and the source arrow's direction vector.
getTangent (number)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererCalculates the tangent on the edge's path at the given ratio point.
getTangentForSegment (number, number)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererCalculates the tangent on the edge's path at the given ratio point for the given segment.
getTargetArrowAnchor (IArrow)in PathBasedEdgeStyleRendererCalculate and update the anchor and the target arrow's direction vector.
getTangent (number)in PolylineEdgeStyleRenderer
getTangentForSegment (number, number)in PolylineEdgeStyleRenderer
getTangent (number)in VoidPathGeometry
getTangentForSegment (number, number)in VoidPathGeometry