documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


tableRenderingOrderin StripeHitTesterGets the hit test order that is currently used by this instance
tableRenderingOrderin TableNodeStyleGets or sets the order in which rows and columns are rendered.

Method Return Values

getTableRenderingOrder ()in TableNodeStyleRendererGet the TableRenderingOrder that is currently used by this renderer.
from (TableRenderingOrder)in TableRenderingOrderConverts the argument to TableRenderingOrder.

Method Parameters

StripeHitTester (ITable, TableRenderingOrder)in StripeHitTesterCreate a new instance for a specific table instance that use the order specified by tableRenderingOrder to determine the order of the hit test results.
TableNodeStyle (ITable?, TableNodeStyleRenderer?, )in TableNodeStyleConstructor with a custom renderer implementation that uses table as backing table model.
from (TableRenderingOrder)in TableRenderingOrderConverts the argument to TableRenderingOrder.