documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6


zoomPolicyin IndicatorEdgeStyleDecoratorGets or sets how the style is affected by the current zoom level.
zoomPolicyin IndicatorLabelStyleDecoratorGets or sets how the style is affected by the current zoom level.
zoomPolicyin IndicatorNodeStyleDecoratorGets or sets how the style is affected by the current zoom level.
zoomPolicyin IndicatorPortStyleDecoratorGets or sets how the style is affected by the current zoom level.
zoomPolicyin EdgeStyleDecorationInstallerGets or sets how the style is affected by the current zoom level.
zoomPolicyin LabelStyleDecorationInstallerGets or sets how the style is affected by the current zoom level.
zoomPolicyin NodeStyleDecorationInstallerGets or sets how the style is affected by the current zoom level.
zoomPolicyin PortStyleDecorationInstallerGets or sets how the style is affected by the current zoom level.
zoomPolicyin WebGL2BeaconNodeIndicatorStyleGets how the style is affected by the current zoom level.
zoomPolicyin WebGL2EdgeIndicatorStyleGets how the style is affected by the current zoom level.
zoomPolicyin WebGL2LabelIndicatorStyleGets how the style is affected by the current zoom level.
zoomPolicyin WebGL2NodeIndicatorStyleGets how the style is affected by the current zoom level.

Method Parameters

IndicatorEdgeStyleDecorator (IEdgeStyle?, )in IndicatorEdgeStyleDecoratorCreates a new instance wrapping the provided style.
IndicatorLabelStyleDecorator (ILabelStyle?, )in IndicatorLabelStyleDecoratorCreates a new instance wrapping the provided style.
IndicatorNodeStyleDecorator (INodeStyle?, )in IndicatorNodeStyleDecoratorCreates a new instance wrapping the provided style.
IndicatorPortStyleDecorator (IPortStyle?, )in IndicatorPortStyleDecoratorCreates a new instance wrapping the provided style.
EdgeStyleDecorationInstaller ()in EdgeStyleDecorationInstallerCreate a new instance of this class.
LabelStyleDecorationInstaller ()in LabelStyleDecorationInstallerCreate a new instance of this class.
NodeStyleDecorationInstaller ()in NodeStyleDecorationInstallerCreate a new instance of this class.
from (StyleDecorationZoomPolicy)in StyleDecorationZoomPolicyConverts the argument to StyleDecorationZoomPolicy.
WebGL2BeaconNodeIndicatorStyle (WebGL2NodeIndicatorShape?, WebGL2BeaconAnimationType?, Color?, number?, number?, number?, number?, boolean?, StyleDecorationZoomPolicy?, WebGL2Transition?, WebGL2Transition?, WebGL2AnimationTiming?)in WebGL2BeaconNodeIndicatorStyleCreates a new beacon indicator style for nodes with WebGL2.
WebGL2EdgeIndicatorStyle (WebGL2IndicatorType?, number?, Color?, Color?, StyleDecorationZoomPolicy?, WebGL2Transition?, WebGL2Transition?, WebGL2AnimationTiming?)in WebGL2EdgeIndicatorStyleCreates a new indicator style for nodes with WebGL2.
WebGL2LabelIndicatorStyle (WebGL2LabelIndicatorShape?, WebGL2IndicatorType?, number?, Color?, Color?, number?, StyleDecorationZoomPolicy?, WebGL2Transition?, WebGL2Transition?, WebGL2AnimationTiming?)in WebGL2LabelIndicatorStyleCreates a new indicator style for labels with WebGL2.
WebGL2NodeIndicatorStyle (WebGL2NodeIndicatorShape?, WebGL2IndicatorType?, number?, Color?, Color?, number?, StyleDecorationZoomPolicy?, WebGL2Transition?, WebGL2Transition?, WebGL2AnimationTiming?)in WebGL2NodeIndicatorStyleCreates a new indicator style for nodes with WebGL2.