documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of StripeTypes


clickableItemsin TableEditorInputModeGets or set a property that determines for which types of items should mouse clicks be handled by this mode.
clickSelectableItemsin TableEditorInputModeGets or set a property that determines which types of items should be selectable through mouse clicks..
deletableItemsin TableEditorInputModeGets or set a property that determines which types of items may be deleted using the deleteSelection action.
labelEditableItemsin TableEditorInputModeGets or set a property that determines which types of items may have their labels edited.
selectableItemsin TableEditorInputModeGets or set a property that determines which types of items should be selectable at all.

Method Return Values

from (StripeTypes)in StripeTypesConverts the argument to StripeTypes.

Method Parameters

findStripe (Point, StripeTypes, StripeSubregionTypes, CanvasComponent, function(StripeSubregion):boolean?)in ITableFinds a stripe underneath a certain point.
findStripes (INode, Point, StripeTypes, function(IStripe):boolean?)in ITableFinds all stripes underneath a certain point.
findStripes (Point, StripeTypes, StripeSubregionTypes, CanvasComponent, function(StripeSubregion):boolean?)in ITableUsed as a callback to find the items underneath a certain point.
from (StripeTypes)in StripeTypesConverts the argument to StripeTypes.
TableEditorInputMode ()in TableEditorInputModeDefault constructor.
findStripe (Point, StripeTypes, StripeSubregionTypes, function(StripeSubregion):boolean?)in TableEditorInputModeUsed as a callback to find the items underneath a certain point.
findStripes (Point, StripeTypes, StripeSubregionTypes, function(StripeSubregion):boolean?)in TableEditorInputModeUsed as a callback to find the items underneath a certain point.