documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of StorageLocation


storageLocationin GraphMLSupportGets or sets a value indicating the type of storage used by the OPEN and SAVE commands.

Method Return Values

from (StorageLocation)in StorageLocationConverts the argument to StorageLocation.

Method Parameters

GraphMLSupport (GraphComponent?, )in GraphMLSupportCreates a new instance of this class.
openFile (GraphComponent, StorageLocation?)in GraphMLSupportShows a open file dialog and imports the selected GraphML file into the graph of the provided graphComponent.
openFile (IGraph, StorageLocation?)in GraphMLSupportShows a open file dialog and imports the selected GraphML file into the provided graph.
saveFile (IGraph, StorageLocation?)in GraphMLSupportExports the graph as GraphML and saves it to the provided storage location.
from (StorageLocation)in StorageLocationConverts the argument to StorageLocation.