documentationfor yFiles for HTML 2.6

Usages of SnapState

Method Return Values

dragFinished (Point, boolean)in LabelSnapContext
handleMove (Point, boolean)in LabelSnapContext
dragFinished (Point, boolean)in SnapContextCalled when a drag has been successfully finished.
handleMove (Point, boolean)in SnapContextHandles a move.
processSnapResults (List<SnapResult>, Point, Point)in SnapContextChooses the current SnapResults from a temporary list.

Method Parameters

dragged (Point, SnapState)in SnapContextThis method needs to be called by the client IInputMode that initialized this instance after it has performed the actual move operation with the adjusted coordinates after a call to handleMove.
isSnapped (Point, SnapState)in SnapResultChecks whether this instance is still snapped given the final mouse location.
snap (Point, SnapState)in SnapResultCore method that performs the actual snapping.